Hay Question

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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2005
Reaction score
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
I was at the pet store and was picking up myusual bale of Timothy Hay when I saw that they had bales of BermudaGrass and bales of Oat, Weat and Barley. I would like to give these tomy babies for some variety, has anyone had any troubles with either ofthese types of foods?
I give Orchard Grass and Oat hay along withTimothy, but in smaller amounts because it is more expensive.Mocha goes nuts for the oat hay but rarely eats the stems.:pAll four of mine like the orchard grass. If I rememberright,wheat "hay" has few nutrients and is more often used asstraw bedding than as eating hay. You could look up thenutrient data on that- it has to be on the net somewhere, probably on ahorse site.
My baby loves Oat Hay ...tries to tear the bagright out of my hands ... he doesn't eat much of the straw though ...sometimes he'll be laying around and you can see him kind of twirling apiece of straw in his mouth (much like a farmer would) ... he is a kick... I give timothy hay just because he usually eats all of it.

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