Ok I have two house buns who live together, onewas 8 weeks old whenI got him the monday aftereastersunday[sorry cant remember what date thatwas] he is a lionhead the other is around 9-11 months he is a angorscross, [his grandad is a flemishgiant], he weighs 6lb and thebaby weighs 2lbs. I feed them unlimited supa rabbit excel pellets andtiomthy hay, the angora cross was a rescue bun and was very thin. Hiscondition is good now but it has taken a long time to get condition onhim. The angora cross gets a cup full of greens a day and acarrot twice a week, the baby will get the same when hes oldenough. Is this diet ok?? My mum brought me a bagof medow hay today, and they enjoy it, but its not as green looking astimothy hay, it is also a lot cheeper. I've heard you have tobe careful feeding alfalfa because it can cause an upaet stomach if fedwith a pellet thathas a high alfala content???:?