Hay bale question

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Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2006
Reaction score
Lake Charles, LA, USA
I have a question for those of you who buy haybales from farmers. On average, how many bales do you go through peryear, relative to the number of bunnies you are feeding? I'm justtrying to get a good estimate before I start buying the food andsupplies before I bring any bunnies home.

It kind of depends on how much theyeat. Some rabbits eat more than others. Plus you'lluse a lot more if you also use hay for bedding or on top of litter inthe litter box.

I keep my hay in hay racks or toys. I haven't been feedingbales for a year yet, so it's hard to estimate. Plus I havethree different bales which different rabbits like best. Butas an estimate, I'd say my four (small) rabbits go through a 50 lb balein three months or so.
Naturestee is right, it really depends on yourrabbits and how many uses it has. It also depends on how much goes towaste (falling through cage floor, being urinated on after being pulledout of the hay rack, etc.). I have 3 rabbits, all of which are huge hayeaters. I buy 3 small square bales a year (range from about 50-70 lbs)and by the time next summer rolls around, I'll be scraping the floor inmy hay shed for what I can find to feed until I can get more hay again.
A small bag (5 - 10lbs.) can last Pebbles (a NetherlandDwarf) two or three months.However this is allfor food andnot for bedding. Not much iswasted either as weonly giveher as much as she can eat in a day.

Rainbows! :)
Thanks for all of your input. I just wanted arough estimate to make sure to get enough hay to last the winter. I'mnot sure if I'll also be using the hay for bedding or if I'll get balesof straw for bedding. Most likely, it will depend on what's availableor if wehave someone bale hay from our fields.
I bought a 60lb bale of hay in late May of thisyear, and have one small and one now-medium (she still has anothermonth or so of growth...who knows how big she'll be then!)bunny. We've gone through about a quarter of the bale sofar. They LOVE it compared to the store-bought hay, and it'ssaved us a HUGE amount of money. Not only that, but thelovely meadowy smell it gives the house is a nice, very welcomeperk! :)

I usually go through a bale to a bale and a halfa month, and that is feeding about 20-25 rabbits. I use straw forwhatever bedding I need, besides litter. Straw is cheaper, and theydon't like to eat it so much.
My two guys are good hay eaters so I go throughabout 6 bales a year at about 60 pounds each. Since they are only$4 I don't mind throwing lots on the floor for bedding.

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