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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2012
Reaction score
Prince George, Virginia, USA
So we pick up our bun on May 2. This Wednesday we will be going to the breeders to pick the bunny that will be becoming a part of our family. It has been hard enough waiting.:)

Today, my twelve year old neighbor who knows we are waiting on our bunny, brought hers over. She just received it the other day as a birthday present. She thought I would like to meet him. He looks like a mini rex. He's black. He was adorable. Seemed just slightly shy at first, after a little while he was looking all around. I got to hold him. He was a perfect gentleman and the neighbor says he is like that all of the time. Is happy to be held and not too frisky.

I'll have to get a picture another day for you all to see.
I know how you feel. lol It felt like forever when we were getting our first bunnies. We went down to pick out our bunny (Dobby was already chosen), twice more to visit, to start the bonding process, we were so excited. Thankfully the breeder was very understanding. lol

Good Luck picking out your new family member.

Look forward to seeing your neighbor's bunny. That was sweet of her.

If it's ok with the breeder we will be heading up there tomorrow. She has two litters available. Sandy and a litter of grey. I was planning on getting a grey. I think all buns are adorable but from seeing photos of both adult sandies and adult greys, I prefer the grey.

My husband was laughing at me because he mentioned it wouldn't be too much longer (this was days ago) and I knew exactly how many days it would be. It is wonderful to have a husband that likes animals and enjoys my excitement.

The neighbor yesterday brought over her cousins new bun. The neighbor girl lives with her cousin and his family. They both got a new bun at the same time. This bun is sandy with a small spot of white on the top of his nose. He is more active than her bun. her bun was held by either me or her while she had it over visiting.

With her cousins bun we let him down and he walked, hopped around my den. Cleaned his face and ears, and then played hide or seek with us under my tv stand.
I am not happy right now. I heard back from the breeder and us coming up today does not work for them. I haven't actually seen the bunnies yet. I am sure as long as they appear to be healthy, etc. I will be bringing one home next Wednesday.

Unfortunately our schedule is crazy right now and we may not be able to get up there before next Wednesday. I was hoping to visit before the pick up one to ask some questions ahead of time and also to have a choice in the one we pick.

I should have known though, any time I look forward to/get excited about something...well life has a way of having things not work out or at least not work out in the best way. It never fails yet I stay optimistic:p

Kinda funny that there are several breeders that breed the flemish in my state, although not as many as for the smaller breeds like lionheads but everyone seems to mostly breed sandies which are lovely but not my first choice.

Kinda a bummer too since my husband has been working in that area the past few days and if I had known sooner it might have been possible to arrange for him to visit after work.
I see you live under "Murphy's Law" too. Happens to me every time.

Try to stay optimistic. Hoping you get the bunny you desire.


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