Having Trouble Finding Alfalfa Hay

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Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2013
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I made plans to adopt a 3 1/2 month old Holland Lop buck and I know he should be on Alfalfa Hay until he is 6 months ( I have oxbow young rabbit pellets for him , he will be switched slowly to them) But I can't find Alfalfa hay locally. I don't want to buy a bunch and ordering online seems to cost a lot and or is a lot more than I want to order at once.

What are my options? I even looked on Ebay.
If he is on an alfalfa based diet (a type of alfalfa is first on the ingredients) Then he does not need to be on an alfalfa hay as well.

Timothy or other grass hay is perfectly fine!
Many will say that if your rabbit is eating an alfalfa-based pellet, that it is fine to offer timothy hay instead of alfalfa hay. Others even encourage that if alfalfa is used, that it be mixed with timothy to prevent any transition difficulties when baby gets older.

At 3.5 months, the rabbit won't be so tiny, so it should be just fine to use timothy instead of alfalfa if need be. Especially since the oxbow juvenile food is alfalfa-based.
Those are the pellets I feed my 3 month old mini lop and she is has Timothy hay as well. I was told Timothy hay is fine for her and she is healthy
My bun is 4 months almost 5 and I've had him since he was 10 week. He's been on alfalfa pellets and Timothy hay since the day I brought him home and he's just fine :)

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