Having problems with a kit.

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Erins Rabbits

Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
White Mountains, Arizona, USA
All of the Himalayan Kits are doing well except for one.One of the little blue onesgets around fine, he's been doing okay, exept for the fact that his butt is infected. I clean him up in the morning and evening- he doesn't seem to be in pain or anything, I treat him with vanodine once a day...

It's clear to me that if he survives he will be a special needs bunny, and totally unshowable, this is sorta gruesome but last night I noticed he had a case of dead tail... it fell off this morning.

So the question is, what would you do with this rabbit? Would you nurse him through it and work on finding him a good knowledgeable home, or would you just go ahead and put him down?

Advice please...
In my opinion you have to think about the quality of life that the rabbit will have...I can't say what should be done, I know what I would do. Even though it would be very hard.
Maybe you should bring it to a rabbit savvy vet and have him assess it and see what they recommend and what the little guys quality of life would be like. Most likely you won't be able to rehome the little guy though.
The nearest rabbit savvy vet is in phoenix... Which is a little far for us to just get a second opinion. Our club has a vet- but she doesn't know rabbits well herself. I could try her, but just a visit is upwards of $100, just for a second opinion, so, I don't think that's going to happen. I think for now I will let nature take it's course, and still treat him of course. Fingers crossed guys, hope this little guy pulls through.
My friend had a baby at 4 weeks old get it's foot smashed behind the box and broke. She took him to the vet and the leg had died and had to come off. She still has him, luckly it was a front leg. He is now around 3-4 years old. I am wondering if you gave the mom penicillin if it would go into the baby? Maybe Randy knows. It sounds like it needs antibiotic but I was always to scared to even tempt giving it to the babies.
What area of the "butt" is infected? Is there puss or is the rectum prolapsed? Vent disease is also a possibility. If the infection is so widespread that it invaded the tail, this is a serious health problem that needs to be addressed by a professional.

Do you have any photos to give us a better idea of what you are dealing with?

I wouldn't attempt any penicillin treatment in a young kit, especially without knowing what the problem is. A vet visit is important to establish a correct diagnosis.

I'm not Randy ;)But, attempting to give the doe penicillin to treat one kit is not an effective treatment and risks making the other kits sick. Some penicillin will pass through the milk, but thedosage cannot be regulated.


With kits I'll consider euthanizing if I see they've lost the will to live...or there are clearly suffering.

If he's fighting and eating there is no harm in giving him special attention.
Sorry to hear the little guy lost the battle.Was gonna say that one our rescues, Ted, a big Lop doesn't have a tail,but he still is just fine. Anytime something like this happens to one of ours, it vet time and then treatment--always expensive, but we have a rabbit savvy vet only 2 miles away. Now I'm really bummed out.

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