Having Occasional Dribbles

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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score
Ajax, Ontario, Canada
Hi, today is our Baby's 7th Birthday.We have to go have the cake soon, we will take a picture of him withhis birthday haton and I will try & download it inthe next couple of days.

Whatwe need to know though, we have noticed in a couple ofspots on our carpet where he lies down small Pee Pee spots.Is this something to be alarmed at?

He always goes in his litter box, so he's not intensionally peeing on the carpet.

My husband thinks we should take him to the vet to make sure he doesn'thave an infection. What do all you knowledgeable people think?

I look forward to you replies.

Wow... 7 years old... Happy Birthday!Give your bunny seven birthday kisses from me. As far as the"dribbling" I have no experience in that... my best guess is that maybehe is losing some control of his bladder in his old age:ponder:. But like I said, I could be wrong... I'm suresomeone else would have a better idea.

~ Jamie
Happy Birthday!

He might have a urinary tract infection or other bladderproblems. I agree with your husband- a vet visit is in orderhere.
:groupparty:WHEEEEEeeee! HappyBirthday! 7 years old, huh? That isgreat. I don't think a vet visit would hurt.Perhaps it is older age getting to him? I know my dog, forexample, she had occasional dribbles in her last years...?Good luck and let us know.

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