wow, this hits close to home.
when my mom tripped over my dog in late '02, we thought nothing of it,since my dog's a brat. but when she was still in bed over the new yearand into february of 03, we got worried. everyone in my family pushedher to go to the doctor, but my mom was like you, and didn't want to goto the doctor. she hated the doctor. when we finally convinced her togo in *late* february, they discovered she had breast cancer. they senther to the hospital that day. 3 days later, we went to visit her in herroom (314...i remember cuz thats pi, and my momma's a math major), andshe was sitting up, and me and my sister were joking over a magazineabout how my dad isnt brad pitt. the next day, she was moved to ICU,and when we went to visit her...i cant explain, but it was awful. thenext day was monday, and my dad asked me if i wanted to go to schoolthat day. i said no, so my entire family went to the hospital. mysisters were down from new york, my aunt (momma's sis) was up fromgeorgia, and everyone was crowded in the small ICU room, watching mymom sleep. it was the hardest thing that we'd done, but she did passaway that day.
i know thats a tangent...but you really need to go to the doctor. whatsthe worst that could happen? you have breast cancer, and you get itfixed. the earlier you catch it, the better. i dont want what happenedto my mom, or anything close, to happen to anyone else. but think of itthis way. the longer you wait, the more it'll spread (if you even haveit), and the more likely the chance you'll die. i know, this soundsmorbid....but i wanna be brutally honest. please....go see a doctor.everyone here will support you. please, dont put your loved onesthrough what my family went through with my mom.
plus, if you do have cancer, and go on chemo, and lose all your hair,then your rabbits cant eat your hair! and you get to wear coolhandkerchiefs to cover up your bald head!