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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2004
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St Catharines , Ontario, Canada
I know this has nothing to do with bunnies and imsorry but i really need to get this off my chest, im really scared anddon't know what to do! I found a lump in my breast about a week ago, itwas really hard and its really starting to hurt, but im too scared togo see my doctor for fear that it might be cancer as it does run on mymom's side of the family!!! :(:(When I get scared I just pickone of my babies up and start petting them its so soothing, they arethe only one's keeping me sane at the moment!:shock:
im sooo sorry to hear that you really should see a docter early detection is the key!!!!! let us know how things are going.

I can't imagine how scary that is! But whateverit is or isn't, it won't change if you go to the doctor. Whatwill change is whether or not this is something you catch early on.We're all here for you, please do what's right for your health!

i agree with Sara and also m.e! you should go into see that! adn im really sorry to hear that! i always get bumps onme.. i've had a couple on my arm pits.. and they were hard and it hurtwhenever someone touched it.. but like it went away after a couple ofdays.. Cancer also ruins in my family on both of my parnets side! :( soi get really scared when i find somthing like that! its good that yourbunnies are claming you down.. but you should really go in and they cantreat it early!


You'll be in my thoughts and prayers, Luna21.

luna get yourself to a doctor, it could be acyst, a girl I worked with found a lump that turned out to be a cyst,which just needed removing and she is fine now, no problems what soever. I won't tell you to try and stay calm cause you won't until yougo see a doctor.

I'll be thinking of you ,
Early detection is one of the most importantaspects of combating cancer. You absolutely MUST go to thedoctor for an examination. It could be a minorglandularinfection or, as mentioned a cyst.

as everyone elss said and I think you alreadyknow,,,but you really do need to see a doctor ASAP.......its hard andfrightening and you always want to think the worst but we're all hereif you need to talk,,,,,

your in my thought and prayers!!!
wow, this hits close to home.

when my mom tripped over my dog in late '02, we thought nothing of it,since my dog's a brat. but when she was still in bed over the new yearand into february of 03, we got worried. everyone in my family pushedher to go to the doctor, but my mom was like you, and didn't want to goto the doctor. she hated the doctor. when we finally convinced her togo in *late* february, they discovered she had breast cancer. they senther to the hospital that day. 3 days later, we went to visit her in herroom (314...i remember cuz thats pi, and my momma's a math major), andshe was sitting up, and me and my sister were joking over a magazineabout how my dad isnt brad pitt. the next day, she was moved to ICU,and when we went to visit her...i cant explain, but it was awful. thenext day was monday, and my dad asked me if i wanted to go to schoolthat day. i said no, so my entire family went to the hospital. mysisters were down from new york, my aunt (momma's sis) was up fromgeorgia, and everyone was crowded in the small ICU room, watching mymom sleep. it was the hardest thing that we'd done, but she did passaway that day.

i know thats a tangent...but you really need to go to the doctor. whatsthe worst that could happen? you have breast cancer, and you get itfixed. the earlier you catch it, the better. i dont want what happenedto my mom, or anything close, to happen to anyone else. but think of itthis way. the longer you wait, the more it'll spread (if you even haveit), and the more likely the chance you'll die. i know, this soundsmorbid....but i wanna be brutally honest. please....go see a doctor.everyone here will support you. please, dont put your loved onesthrough what my family went through with my mom.

plus, if you do have cancer, and go on chemo, and lose all your hair,then your rabbits cant eat your hair! and you get to wear coolhandkerchiefs to cover up your bald head!
I hope you go to the doctor as soon as possible.I know it's scary, but the alternative of not doing anything about itis even worse. It's every woman's nightmare, I know. We're all here foryou. *hugs*
I'm with everyone else saying go to the doctorassoon as you can.I know how hard that is, I had a similarthing over ten years ago now and I worried myself sick - quiteliterally - before I finally got up the courage to go. My daughter wassmall at the time and I was just terrified of what might happen. Irealised in the end though that the only way I was going to be able todeal with whatever it was was to know just what I was dealing with. Asit turned out it wasn't cancer just a blocked gland. I cannot tell youthe relief.

You do need to find out what it is, can you get a friend to go with youto give you support? It's obviously doubly scary if there is a historyof cancer in your mother's family but hopefully it's something that canbe sorted out easily, and even if not, the sooner the better fortreatment. I'm praying for you.

Love and a big hug


ps Isn't it wonderful how little furry babies can be so soothing, I'm glad they're giving you comfort :).

luna21 wrote:
Iknow this has nothing to do with bunnies and im sorry but i really needto get this off my chest, im really scared and don't know what to do! Ifound a lump in my breast about a week ago, it was really hard and itsreally starting to hurt, but im too scared to go see my doctor for fearthat it might be cancer as it does run on my mom's side of thefamily!!! :(:(When I get scared I just pick one of my babiesup and start petting them its so soothing, they are the only one'skeeping me sane at the moment!:shock:
luna, it's important for you to go to the doc. Many timeslumps are nothing but little fatty cysts or just these things womensometimes get from too much caffeine.

Does the lump feel smooth and rounded or is it jagged and hard like a rock?

Pain is usually not associated with cancerous tumors......

My sister and I have been through this stuff. She had abenign lump removed years ago and I have the caffeine related things,as does my mom.

oh hun, please go to the doc i know how scaredyou are. a couple of years ago i went through the same thing and itturned out to be a enlarged lumph noed that had just get inflamed notcancer i coundnt stand my cloths becuose when they touched my skin iwent into fits of pain (cant run around nakie with 2 boys:shock:) ialso have lost a very close grand mother to breast cancer so i know howscarey it can be to go to the doc but im glad i went and had amammagram my doc keeps a close watch for the first 2 years after this iwent evey 6 months for a gram to make sure nothing had changed i am dueone now come monday i will make a appointment so please make on foryourself and i go with you in spirit :D
Definitely go see the doctor. I found a lump onmy breast a couple of years ago and I freaked out and ran to thedoctor. It turns out that it's a normal lump that cycles with theperiod and can be aggravted by too much caffeine or chocolate. So younever know, it could be perfectly fine. But whatever it is, you need toget advice from a doctor.
Please Luna - go to the doctors. I can't stressthat enough, especially if cancer is in your family. My Nanna hadbreast cancer back in 1999 and they caught it early. Breast cancer hasa very high cure rate if caught in time. By delaying it you are justwasting precious days should it turn out to be the worst. Chances arethis lump could be a cyst or anything. If it does turn out to be breastcancer then inevitably you are going to have to face the doctor anyway- do it sooner rather than later. I am sending my prayers out toyouand amhoping that this lump turns out to benothing.

How scared you must be...I know that with all theadvice and support you are getting here that you will feel comfortablewith going to the Doctor. I know how scary cancer can be...I hadpre-cancerous cells in an area of my body and that was terriblyfrightening but going to see my Doctor and learning what kind ofdifferent options I had available to me made it a lot easier to gothrough. I will send a prayer your way for strength and another onethat it will be something non threatening. Please see yourDoctor...it's the only wise choice.

Fergi's mom
Thanks so much everyone, for all your prayers,good wishes and support!! Im really scared at this time, I had troublesleeping last night just thinking about how bad this could turn out !!I guess I should go to the doctor soon just incase it is breast cancer,I just can't believe this is happening its such a shock to me, I guessI never thought about it happening to me before!:(I'll letyou guys know what happens at the doctor's, hopefully its good newsbecause I don't know if I can take the bad right now:(:(:(:(

Luna. The worry and pain that you are goingthrough at this time is just overwhelming. I can't even begin tounderstand what you must be going through. I said before get to thedoctors, but at the same time now I can tell you are terrified. It iscompletely understandable.

I wasn't going to go to Church tomorrow, Alyssa and my Mum normally gowith me but I was going to give it a miss this week. I will make arealeffort and get myself there in the morning - I will lighta candle and say a prayer for you. You really need all the prayers youcanat the moment and although we are at completely differentparts of the world, I can do that for you!

I know how you feel, I had a problem a few yearsback down below(guy talk). I got pretty depressed because ofwhat I thought it was. I had a Dr. friend I talked to and herreferred me to a urologist, the urologist refered me to a generalsurgeon and anothrer Dr.Four weeks later and theurologist gave up. Went to another urologist and he gave mean incorrect diagnosis, because it would not have gotten better if hewas right. Had Ultracound done(they did it wrong) and thex-ray and dye thing. Nothing.

Never figured out what it was. I couldn't even wear blue jeans for a year.

The sooner you go to the Dr. the better.


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