Have to share a cute moment

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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2010
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Paoli, Pennsylvania, USA
I brought Becky home from the shelter Dec 18, which isn't so long ago. A couple times a week we watch tv together. I scrunch down in the chair so she can sit comfortably on my chest and I stroke her while she sits there. Frequently she rewards me with kisses. Last night we were snuggled up. She started to bite my shirt and scrunch it around. She arranged my shirt to make a little nest and went to sleep! It was so cute, she just shut her eyes and dozed off. If I scratched behind her ears she would tooth purr but not open her eyes. She snoozed for about 30 minutes and then went back to kisses. She is the best little rabbit ever, I can't believe someone would give up such a love bug.
How sweet!! I wish Fiver acted like that, she's more of DO NOT WANT when I try to pet her. You have one of the cutest/sweetest rabbits ever!
Amanda, please try not to get discouraged. I also have a rabbit, Cinderella, that thinks I want to eat her. Some just take longer than others to come around. I figure as long as I give them both love then in time Cindi will come to trust me too. I'm sure Fiver will come around in time. Look for the small signs of trust, grooming in your presence, or looking at you with happy ears. :)
She does come to see me when I open the door of her cage, and she'll groom around me and little things like that. I just can't help but feel like i'm doing it all wrong because she isn't snuggly at all. I only get to see her on the weekends so that's probably a big thing as well. I'm not going to give up though! Thank you for the encouragement :) :)
That is so sweet Brandy.

Sweetie does something cute every single day, she just has this cute look about her and she also backs up (walks backwards) which just makes me melt whenever she does it and laugh too. I never knew that a rabbit could walk/hop backwards until I saw her do it when she was about 6-7 weeks old. She does the cutest things that melt my heart.
Fantastic. Serena is our lap bunny. She will stay on your lap as long as you rub her and does she teeth purr! When she was neutered I began to worry as twice as much time had gone by without a call to come get her. I called, and the receptionist said she was still groggy. What do you mean? Well, she's just sitting on my lap and I'm petting her. I told her that she'd stay there till Hades froze over and to put her on the floor for a minute. She then told me, your right, she's fine to go home, she's running all around.
Nancy McClelland wrote:
Fantastic. Serena is our lap bunny. She will stay on your lap as long as you rub her and does she teeth purr! When she was neutered I began to worry as twice as much time had gone by without a call to come get her. I called, and the receptionist said she was still groggy. What do you mean? Well, she's just sitting on my lap and I'm petting her. I told her that she'd stay there till Hades froze over and to put her on the floor for a minute. She then told me, your right, she's fine to go home, she's running all around.

That is so cool! It is a good thing that you called them and let them know about her, otherwise they would have kept her for good; and that would not be good at all.

When Sweetie was spayed I was there as she was waking up from the surgery.

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