i have a bunny about 6 weeks old i just had it aday. i notice the droppings arent like the normal round one, its mushy.i want to know if its normal for a bunny that age forthedroppings to be like that (mushy). its not watery.
It sounds like a cecotrope which isnormal. I am including a link that has a lot of good information on thesubsject of poops. Hope it helps.http://www.bio.miami.edu/hare//poop.html
Congratulations on your new bunny. There is a really awesomepost called the Rabbit Cheat sheet at the top of the board. It has someof the best information you will find. It has helped so many of us. Ithink you will find it useful too.
thanks! ive been ready as much as possible. iseen the list and read it. sometimes i rather ask some questions to besure. thanks for the response. so it is normal for them at that age ? iread iton the cheet cheat but i get a little confuse on theinformation considering on the age.. thanks again
You are welcome. Rest assured it isperfectly normal. They would only be a problem if all the poops werececotropes or you see no poops at all. Usually you won't see but a fewceotropes since they eat them right away. Apollo will leave one or twoonce in awhile. I am glad you asked. That's how we all learn.
My bunny poos when she gets scared... She is sobig though that you have to constently clean her poos off her buttbecause they smudge her fur!! It is annoying and smelly!
i got her yesterday (cloudy). today iv just beenwatching her and i notice the poop i never thought about the food,thanks for briging that up. ill have to call the pet storeand ask what they were giving her. i have to other rabbits also. but ionly had them for a week there all my kids. but im the one that ends uptaking care of them. thanks for all the info. and this is a great sitethanks for welcoming me .and im happy to be here .