Harper and Haley's bonding WENT AWESOME!!!!

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
Reaction score
Fordoche, Louisiana, USA
I just want to point out that this is part 1 of 2 posts. I'm going to make a seperate post asking some questions pertaining to something bad that happened at the end of bonding. Has nothing to do with the bonding. Anyways...

Well, I decided to let Harper and Haley run around our kitchen, with a long playpen set up. They ran around for an hour and a half!! It was GREAT!! They PLAYED, they snuggled, they BINKIED LIKE CRAZY!!! No, I didn't say boinked (;)), BINKIED! Both of them were so happy! Then, haley did a bunny flop for a couple minutes, then they got up, played with some toys together, did a ton more binkies and had a great time!! Now, I will continue letting them play together during supervised sessions, but as I've said before, Haley isn't going in with Harper till she spayed.

This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship I tell ya! I took some pics, but I'll post them on this thread in a minute.
Sounds like it went well but be warned, a lot of adults will accept babies easily but you may still have a fighting issue when Haley's older.I don't want to scare you, I just want to warn you so that neither bunny is hurt. The one advantage to bonding an adult and baby is that there is rarely ever an issue because the baby doesn't normally fight back.
Alrighty, now that the excitement is over with, let's get down to some pictures shall we! Some are of Harper, some of Haley, and below those are the ones of them together. These are all from the bonding this morning. Enjoy!

P.S., anyone notice that Haley is getting a Chinchilla coat? If you see her in person, her coat it becoming almost a full chinchilla breed coat.












Aww..they are soo cute together! They look so happy! I take it Harper didnt decide to get frisky this time? :)

I love this picture of him:


Its like he's standing up and looking at you, saying "thank you mommy" :inlove:

So happy for all of you!

LOL, that's my favorite pic as well. He is staring straight at me like, "I...seeeee....yoooouuu...."

In an hour an a half that they were together, he did not hump ONCE! He did chase her a few times, catch up with her, sniff her butt and then her face, then go back to playing. Afterwards, she'd chase after him and sniff HIS butt, LOL! Lots of inappropriate sniffing was going on. ;)

However, they got along wonderfully, I couldn't be happier. Haley seems to have fully recovered from her little nervous scare. More than I can say for myself, I have a severe migraine, LOL. Anyways, I am going to maybe let them play a little more tonight. It's only 3pm right now, I might put them together around 9. Haley had a BLAST, so I'm sure it'll be fine. The first time they were together, she was a nervous wreck. This time, she hopped and played along with him. :DShe must've did 6 or 7 binkies while she was with him, it was ADORABLE.

Right now, she is in her cage doing bunny flops, then gets up to throw her toys around, and then bunny flops some more. She's so cute. Harper is just layed out in his cagelike the little lazy bun that he is.
Your bunnies are both so beautiful! Isn't it great when bonding goes so well? I love the pics you've taken of them...they are adorable with their toys, and showing off for the camera. :) What sweethearts!

Very cute, it looks like they were having fun. Your little one looks like she has alot of energy.




Harper was grooming Haley!!!!! She ran up to him, wiggled underneath his chest while he was sitting there, and he started grooming her neck and back. WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!


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