Harness Training with Shy Bun.

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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2011
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Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
This is something that I have been debating for the past few months since I feel bad everytime I take my ferret for a walk Peter my bun looks jealous because she gets freedom, but she also has a harness on. Now Peter is a timid bunny it's just his personality, even though he is bonded to me, he's still a little shy. I would LOVE to put him in a harness and take him for a walk. First off, I know he wouldn't like the harness but we can work with that.

My question is will it stress him out too much to walk outside with me because of noise traffic etc. I live next to a GO station so its kind of noisy sometimes. Also, would it break our bond for me to put a harness on him OR will it be a milestone once he gets past the initial shock. In my opinion to bond with them is good to push their comfort zones and they will learn to cope with it and perhaps even learn to enjoy it but at the same time I love to respect his boundaries.

Has anyone ever harness trained their timid bun. I know if he starts screaming when I put it on that the situation is a no go and wouldn't push it but if he's somewhat okay with it will it help socialize him more? I would love to take him even into the hallway of my building. I wish I could take him out with me more as he's definitely my heart bunny!

I appreciate all those who take the time to read this (sorry it's long) and thank you for the advice ahead of time! :)
Do you have a carrier you can use to give him a little taste of the outside? If not, you can make one out of nic panels or 6 cookie cooling racks. I got some at a $ store & used ties to fasten all but the door/top. Padded the floor, of course, with cardboard & hay.
LakeCondo has an excellent idea on how Peter can get accustom to the noise outside. Let him get a taste inside a safe carrier before you put him down in the outside world.

Also with the harness, why don't you start with showing him what it is, then placing it on his back, then trying it on. Do this inside so that he can get used to it little by little.

You helped him be not to shy around you with patience and TLC. Just do the same thing with the harness.

You know Peter better than anyone. Just take your time and see how it goes.

Hope you succeed. I think Peter would really benefit getting outside for some fresh air like Panda did. I know it does my boys. They just love to dig in the dirt, and sit back and close their eyes and feel the breeze.

K :)
thank you all for the advice. I take him in the carrier when we go for trips etc. but I still find he is very reluctant to go in the carrier, I don't like stressing him out if I don't need to.

I completely agree that I would start training him inside just like I did with my ferret. First I put the harness on her and left it on for the rest of the evening to get her used to it, so I think it'd be the same type of thing.

After I plan to get him used to actually being on a lead and then eventually taking him on little strolls in the building before we conquer the great outdoors :)

Time and patience is definitely what counts, I just don't want our bond and progress to regress if you know what I mean.