gmas rabbit
Well-Known Member
This is Harley, a 6 1/2 week old solid chestnut agouti male french lop rabbit. Harley is continuing Benjamin's job in our household. He is only the size of a pint milk cartoon at this time, if you stuff his ears and rather large feet into it. He has only one ear down and is clumsy as his feet are very large and his body small. :biggrin: Harley arrived from Alberta this week from a breeder that most have kept him in a small cage, but he is rapidly learning to run. His one foot is still a little uncertain, but as he gains strength and weight I am sure it will be fine. He already gives kisses and snuggles, tucking himself under you chin when he is invited into bed. Harley has a huge job ahead of him, but he informs me he is up to the challenge. Becky, Daisy Mae and Fraggles will have to wait abit for him to gain a little confidence, but I am sure he can continue Benjamin's legacy as being a big flirt, bunny loaf and major disapproving rabbit. I will be posting more photos in the future when he settles in. Meantime this is one taken the day that Len picked him up from the breeder, tucked his ear down to give him so dignity.