Hard wood floors and rabbit runs!

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Mar 31, 2005
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Hello :) It's been awhile since I've checked in here!

We're moving in 5 days! I am very excited to move, as we will be moving out of an apartment and into a HOUSE. :D:D:D

The house has hardwood in the hallway living/dining room areas..thebedrooms are carpeted. Do any of you keep buns on woodfloors? I can't take my chances because we are renting thisand -eek- that would be terrible if I ruined the floors. Idon't want to confine her to a room though...she's used to having runof the place.

Is there a way you can file the nails that theywon't...scratch? I know, it's probably a long shot.At least I get to build her a run in the backyard - or some kind of penout there. Would anyone mind posting pictures of what theyhave put together? I will probably build this myself becauseof cost and would appreciate a few ideas. :cool:


I doubt that it should be a problem. Sometimes Ilet my bunnies play in the hard wood floored living room. It actuallyis quite funny to see them slip and slide and adjust to theslipperyness (is that a word?). Although, I would be certain that yourkeep their nails trimmed.
any other people with experience? Just want to get as many opinions as i can!
I have laminated floors and have had no problemswith the rabbits scratching it 'also it's easier to clean up after themas you just brush and mop it.Like Bunnyd said it's quite funny watchingthem Binking and skidding around the floor they love it:jumpforjoy:
heh.. Vicky refuses to step onto hardwood floorsand glass....anywho.. i havent experienced Freddys nails creating anyscratches on the hardwood finish... the only thing to be concernedabout is that their urine can damage the finish
We spent some of this weekend watching Cali(Carolyn's flemish) hop and slide on the hardwood floors. It was quitecomical, but she seems to have pretty good control for a BIG bunnie.

You may want to consider area rugs and runners for the hallway if you're concerned about the buns scrathing the floor.
thats because Calipractices , she runs for a fewminutes and then in typical Flemishfashion , just flops andslides into a sleepingposture lol Apollo does thattoo . :laugh:
gypsy wrote:
thats because Cali practices, she runs for a few minutesand then in typical Flemish fashion, just flops andslides into a sleepingposture lol Apollo does thattoo . :laugh:

Loki does the sliding flop in his cage. All thetime! And if he doesn't flop down, he squishes down onto thefloor! It's pretty slippery, even after we rubbed it withsandpaper to give him some traction. Hmm, so flemish are likeLoki but even more lazy? I think I need one!
Yes they are...Keely is good for 10 minutes topsof play time...then its time to "flop". Mine are on a tiledfloor in their room and they get out to play daily...it took em a lilgetting used to , but they are fine with it now.
I am definitely getting an area rug. :) Wellsounds like she'll be fine then - and so will our floors. Thefunny girl doesn't like slippery places AT ALL. She's never come intoour kitchen which is linoleum, so we'll see what happens!

Thanks :p
Hi! I have hardwood floors too. My Poofie has noproblem navigating them, she just had to practice a little. No problemwith scratches on the floors either, but one word of warning. Theirurine can eat right through the finish. It looks as though someonespilled paint remover where she has urinated. Be sure to keep a closeeye on her and wipe up any accidents she might have.

Peggy :p
You guys laughin at my Cali Girl!Don't blame you, I do too! She looks like Bambi on icesometimes when she's working her way across the floor to the rug, butJim's right; she does have prrreetttyyy good control. Gypsycouldn't be more correct either. Cali has only a few feet tojump before she gets to the rug, and then she lays down like she's justrun a marathon.

Vinegar on the urine spots can take out the staining and smells that urine makes on the floor.


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