hard stomache

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May 2, 2012
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ptbo, , Canada
I took my 10 year old male neutered dutch dwarf cross to the vet the other day because I thought that he had a suspicious lump. The vet felt him and said that its his stomache that is what I am feeliing. o_O so she checked his teeth and said that he has a tooth that is missing its other tooth that is above it so now its pointing towards his tongue.
I fed his 1 eigth a cup of soaked pellets when we got home from the vet and then I felt his stomache 30 mins later. It was way bigger so thank goodness it isn't a tumor! What the vet think is that he probably can't chew his hay properly so its stuck in his tummy for longer than usuall. Even when his tummy isn't full it still feels hard. Is that what a bunnys stomach feels like?
The point can be abrasive on his tongue, but putting him under to trim it isn't great, either. A good vet can do it with a relaxant if its just the one spur, though.

The hardness could be gas from the fermenting hay. A tummy massage (I use a vibrating toothbrush) may help, as well as more fluids than usual. Maybe a separate crock of water spiked with a little apple or pineapple juice.

I find canned pumpkin to be the best digestive aid.

But you do want him chewing hay, etc.. My girl grinds her spurs down by eating kale and other 'tough' greens. A variety of food is key -- the different shapes and textures should help.

Good luck!

sas :clover:
The problem is he isn't allowed to have any veggies :-( a long time ago I took him to the vet for a bad case of poopy but and she discovered that he has bad arthiritus in his spine and he was carry extra weight(oops) so he went on metacam for awhile and isn't allowed any veggies and he never got poopy but and was able to just be able to clean his butt lol so the only things he's allowed to eat is hay and pellets.