and a
Thank you, Tina, for telling me about the posts. Thank youJordiwes for getting me in here to be able to reply. So muchfun seeing all your names and remembering those rascals that rule yourpalaces.
Tucker, Fauna and Cali-Girl are all doing wonderfully. Iswear, I didn't think it was possible that we could bond closer than wewere, but it seems that every day we do. They have been SoMuch Fun - especially since the onset of spring. The three ofthem have an energy and an attitude that reflects such happiness andjoy of life.
Fauna's been
really workin it. Between being nicer toTucks and cleaning
his eyes for a change (who ever would'vethought she'd work!) and her sitting outside of Cali's cagefora 1/2 hour at a time nose-to-nose with her sister, you'dthink she just noticed that this is her family and she needs to do herpart to keep everyone happy. She's such a little love.
Tucker's softened. He just loves having the sun back sinceDaylight Savings is here. He basks all the time.
Cali captures the fear of everyone that enters my home, but by the endof the visit, they ask if she can go over their house, when they aregonna see her again, and I get phonecalls checking on her and tellingme that they miss her. She has everyone wrapped. Sofunny to see them go from scared to mush in such a short amount of time.
Looking forward to having a great Easter Sunday, and from the bottom ofmy heart, I wish you all (buns included, of course) have a great dayand year too. I know Buck is smiling down on everyone andsending his love and hugs to all of your bunnies. Make sureyou give them a kiss from him. For those that didn't seethis, Buck send this greeting to you.
This Easter card in called Hip Hop with the EasterBunnyis adorable. Neverrealized that bunnies are such great dancers and know so many differentsteps. You should definitely check it out undere-cards.
Going to TRY to make this cake for Easter. I hope it comesout looking like it does in the picture and not like abuffalo. If it does look like it does in the picture, I'llreally have to make sure that it's the cake on the cake stand ratherthan Tucker!
HAPPY SPRING AND EASTER TO ALL, and Thank You so much for your wishes.