PHEW! Man am I POOPED. My back hurts, my feet hurt, my ears hurt, etc.
All in all it was a good day. I got to bathe a few dogs, blow them out with the HV (high velocity) dryer, and then brush out one of the dogs on my own grooming table. Yep - I've got my own table and area for all of my stuff!
I really like the way Kristina (or Kristy) teaches me how to do things...she is fun, loud, and really explains things thoroughly. Vicki is a bit more reserved, quiet, and kind of gives you the jist of it. So I am hoping that by having both of them teach me, I will hear things twice and each time I will hear different ways of doing things.
I am pretty sure I have a job there when I am done, just depends on if I'll cut it
. My days would be Tuesday - Saturday, so that will stink only having 1 day off with Ryan...but yet it will be good because we have been stuck up each other's butts for the past 4.5 years.
Both Kristy and Vicki are at the shop teaching me on Mondays, but Tuesdays & Thursdays only Vicki and some other lady is there, then on Wednesdays & Fridays it's Kristy and some other lady (or the same lady as Tues & Thurs?...I don't know).
I'm a bit nervous meeting the other 2 ladies (or 1 lady....I can't remember if there is 3 or 4 of them there).....but hopefully they are cool and helpful as well.
Tomorrow I get to watch (and maybe help) groom 2 kitties that are coming in from the Humane Society! I'm really excited to learn how to groom cats....I hope that I can mainly be a cat groomer in the future....waaaaay future because I want to be able to make the money now and then retire as mainly a cat groomer.
I just can't wait until I pick up speed and can move onto using my tools. Right now I have to master bathing, drying, and controlling dogs. I'm slow at it right now because you have to get the dogs VERY clean and super rinsed off or else the finished "product" will look like crap. So I'm being paranoid now, LOL!