Happy Easter

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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2005
Reaction score
, Illinois, USA
Well, my Easter was very nice. It was also mybirthday today. So not only did I get some Easter treats, but I gotpresents too! My husband took me on a great trip this weekend and whenwe got back, my family and I went to a White Sox game in one of thenice upper deck rooms! :shock:It was fantastic!

What did you guys do (if you celebrate it)?

Either way, I hope everybody had a great day! :bunnydance:
Sounds nice! Way more exciting than my Easter.Happy birthday too! :party:

I started the day out with a good cuddle with the original EasterBunnies ;). Then I found a bag full of little Easter treats and a cutelittle rabbit plush toy. I needed to clip Poppy's nails and check herover, so I did that too. I've been eating candy and chocolates all dayand I just had a nice chicken dinner.

I still need to get the girls their Easter dinner!

I cuddeled my easter bunny and went to my bfhouse for an easter egg hunt! LOL 21 and his sis and BIL still egghunt! Then I came home to have a nice dinner with my family!
Aw Happy Birthday! Sounds like you had a nice day.:D

I watched a couple movies that were on HBO and we went to eat at TexasRoadhouse! Now, I am spending time timewiththebunnies, trying to get some pics!:)
I got up early to collect the baby I watch, thenwe got ready and went to church. It was a wonderful service! Then thekids got to hunt eggs in the reception room. I got home about5 minutes before the baby's mom showed up. Whew! Good timing! Then wegot out of our dress clothes and into normal clothes. Went to myparent's house where my sister was visiting from North Carolina. Mykids and her kids dyed and hunted eggs, and they had to leave. I camehome and started cleaning my trashed house. Now it is bedtime!
I'm a little late her but I'll tell ya anyway.:)

I didn't do much, went to church in the morning, had a nice dinner andspent the day with the bunnies:D. I didn't eat very much chocolate, I'mnot a fan really. Then in the evening we watched the Passion of theChrist (again) because it was on the TV. Horrific film.:(
well, we ate

then watched tiger get beat out by the rookie for the masters cup in golf


that was my day. . . it was a very relaxing easter

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