Happy Clown Loach......

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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2009
Reaction score
Bremerton, Washington, USA
Well I am very happy to report that my biggest clown loach is very happy right now. I have cleaned the 55 gallon tank today. The tank is totally clean and I willbe doing a water test in a week.

Baby Girl, my biggest clown loach, is happily swimming around in the 55 gallon tank. In my other thread about her she was sick with a fungus and ich. After I treated for those, one at a time of course, I noticed that she was swimming oddly. Knowing me, I freaked out, because I didn't want to lose her. Kept in contact with a person who has had clown loaches before sending pics of her to them and such. I am now a member on a fish forum.

I have tried looking for answers to why Baby Girl was hanging out at the top of the tank. No one knew why. Every morning I would see her floating around. Well I found out she had swim bladder disease. Which I found out that the pea trick helps with that. I also found out that Erythromycin will work on it. Anyway since I didn't have but two tablets of the erythromycin, I put a few peas in the tank and she started doing better, but still displayed swim bladder issue.

I cleaned the tank today andBaby Girlis doing even better than before. She is swimming around the 55 gallon tank normal, being her normal self. I am very proud that she is doing so much better and I just wanted to share with everyone and thank those who have helped me figure out what was going on with Baby Girl, my biggest clown loach.

If/When I figure out how to post pictures I will post in this thread some pictures of her and the other two.

My clown loaches are all healthy and so are my plecos. Hope that they stay healthy for a very long time, but if they don't I have medicine to treat them.

Thank you Watermelons, NickZac, and fuzz16 for your help.
Thank you Watermelons! I am very happy as well. I was very worried that I would lose her, but NickZac and I were in contact with each other and he helped me keep her going and fighting the diseases she had. Baby Girl has been through a lot. Whenever I put my hand in the tank she lets me touch her, which I don't do very often just once in a great while. I want to teach her to eat out of my hands and possibly do tricks as well.

I am glad that she is doing so much better. I can relax now since I have been so worried about her especially every time I went to bed, I would let her know that I love her and to keep fighting. She kept fighting and has gotten better with my help, NickZac's, fuzz16's, and yours, Watermelons.
glad shes doing better, it is always nice when a fish your attached to pulls through.
their more resilient that people think, as long as good water is offered then shell be fine

and the pea thing-you did use a raw pea thats been de-shelled? thats what your supposed to do, have no experiance wth it though
When I did the pea thing, I just gave her the whole thing and she ate it all. I will try without the shell/skin if the pea next time I give her some peas.
Nancy McClelland wrote:

Thank you Larry! I just hope that she continues to improve. Right now Baby Girl is at the bottom of the 55 gallon fish tank. I am so proud right now and I hope that it continues.

It is such a relief that she is doing so much better and keeps on getting better. She isn't 100% better yet but she is getting there.

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