And right on schedule!
Buzzards Mean Business for Ohio Town
Associated Press Writer
March 16, 2007, 4:16 AM EDT
HINCKLEY, Ohio -- To the relief of bird watchers and business boostersalike, the first officially spotted Hinckley buzzard of 2007 glidedsmoothly over the treetops, marking the 50th anniversary of thegimmicky vigil.
The buzzards return after wintering down south, and the site Thursdayof the first one this year meant money in the bank for this quaintcommunity about 20 miles south of Cleveland.
"They've always come back," said Bob Hinkle, "official buzzard spotter" for Cleveland Metroparks.
Hinkle admitted some nervousness as the wait stretched out and a crowdof about 50, standing at the edge of a broad meadow, dwindled infrustration.
Hinckley has crafted an all-buzzards, all-the-time theme in honor ofthe carcass-loving birds with black feathers, red heads and wing spansof up to 6 feet. There are buzzard-named businesses, a Sunday pancakebreakfast to mark the return of the buzzards and T-shirts with "I sawthe return of the buzzards" for sale.
Randy Scott, 53, and Beverly Doyle, 65, came on a three-day outing fromSt. Louis to do what the town likes best -- watch for the gangly birdsand spend some money.
"I've wanted to come here for years," said Doyle, who had heard about the annual event on NBC's "Today" show.
By tradition, the buzzards have returned to Hinckley each March 15since 1819, when they were attracted by thawing carcasses of livestockpredators killed months earlier by farmers.
Tom Barczyk, 56, of Cleveland, said he has spotted an occasionalbuzzard before March 15. Official spotters tend to deflect smart-aleckyquestions about early buzzard arrivals.
"We've seen them, but not officially," said Barczyk.
Hinkle said he felt no pressure from the Chamber of Commerce as a vigilthat began at sunrise stretched to three hours before the firstsighting. "They know it's a delicate thing to find the buzzards," hesaid.
Ron Garapick, a township trustee, said he had no official figures butsaid the buzzards and related events bring a lot of visitors toHinckley and its half dozen or so stores, including a restaurant,doughnut shop and beverage outlet.
A big crowd, perhaps 3,000 if the weather is good, is expected for Sunday's pancake breakfast and related events.
People looking forward to spring help generate buzz for Hinckley's bigday, said Susan DeFago, a John Carroll University professor who used totake her children to Buzzard's Day for pancakes.
DeFago never visited Hinckley before March 15 to check for early arrivals so "the myth is intact for me," she said.