Happy Birthday to my Son Matthew!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2004
Reaction score
, Pennsylvania, USA
I can't believe my baby boy is 9!

I played a bunch of youtube birthday songs for him this morning. Here's his favorite


(He has my warped sense of humor) :devil


Happy Birthday Matthew!!! :party:

Don't the years just fly by???

Hope Matthew gets some cool gifts today :tongueand has a wonderful Bday!:dancingorig:
Happy Birthday to Matthew! What do you have planned for the big day? Birthdays are so much fun! :popcorn2
Son Ryan is going to be 18 this month, so we're taking a bunch of people to Ray's Indoor Mountain Bike park on Sunday for a combined Matthew & Ryan birthday bash. http://www.raysmtb.com/ (Wish me luck - I'm really out of shape, not terribly coordinated andafraid of heights, soI'll be on the beginner course). Someone fell 10 feet off the advanced course recently and literally ripped their face off when their forehead hit the edge of an obstacle.

Photos and video from Ray's http://www.raysmtb.com/inside.html

We had sent Ryan to mountain bike camp at Ray's last month as an early birthday present and he had a blast. He's a bike mechanic and works for one of the sponsors, so gets to go to a lot of the VIP parties at Ray's.

Tonight I'm making pizza and we're having cake and ice cream. Poor Matthew is still sick with a cold, and our school day has dragged out late into the afternoon. We got sidetracked with a study on satellites and he made a cool model of a satellite ;)

Matthew bought a used Xbox with his birthday money and I got him a pair of "moon trampoline boots."

Wow!! Happy birthday, Sweetie!!

I didn't realize his and Em's birthdays were so close! Her's is on the 17th, and she'll be 8...how funny, the similarities, eh?

Extra special hugs and lots of wonderful birthday wishes to Matthew!!

Hugs from us!

Happy Birthday Matthew!!

I wish those moon boots came in my size.. they look fun... im jealous...

Pam.. buy me some... Pweeeeeease?
I shared everyone's birthday wishes with him ;)

He had a fun day.

Won't take the stupid moon shoes off and is bouncing all over the house driving me crazy! LOL

We took the boys to the Indoor Mountain Bike park today - a ton of people there -totally insane. Wrecked a couple times and am verysore! I'm too old for this LOL

Here's a youtube that shows some of the stuff at the park (from an open house last fall) . . .

Son Ryan can do a backflip into the foam pit and do all the cool stuff riders are doing in the video. :shock:


Awww they are so lucky to have such a cool mom :pSounds like an awesome birthday. I hope it was. Happy Birthday Matthew en retard from moi. :biggrin2:

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