Happy Birthday, Sunny & Hobbes!!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Hey guys!

It's my kitties' birthday!! They're now three years old, andI just can't believe how time has flown since they were born.

Here's their story and a bit about them:

I worked with my babies' mama's human, in their home office, so I waswell-acquainted with their mama, and her really (um, how shall I word)obnoxious, not-so-happy personality. I've always been veryintuitive with kitties...and let me tell ya...that kitty complainedCONSTANTLY...ESPECIALLY after becomming pregnant at such a young age(she wasn't even a year old when she had them).

Sunny & Hobbes were born technically on 30 April, 2004...Sunnyat about 4pm, Hobbes at about 7 or 7:30pm (and, given that, it's stilltheir birthday until those times today, hehe!). Sunny was thefirstborn of their litter, Hobbes the last.

From the moment that litter's birth started, their little personalitiesstarted making themselves WELL known. Sunny is veryintelligent, often answering specific questions I ask her, and tryingto say "Mama" only when she is speaking to me. (I thinkbecause that's how I started addressing her as a baby, and she wasoriginally trying to imitate it. Anymore, she does it to letme know she's looking for me and wants my attention.) Beingthe firstborn was destiny for that little precious girl.

Hobbes, as a kitten, had A LOT to learn in general. He didn'tunderstand a word we said, and seemed to be kinda not-so-quick ingeneral, but we love him, so that meant loving everything abouthim. Not to mention, it was also a bit endearing andadorable. He's a really special cat...so much personality andfun in one kitty. He's a huge ham, LOVES the camera, and isvery patient with my kisses, though I get the distinct impression theyembarass him like crazy (particularly when we have company).But he loves being held...he purrs like crazy and does that signaturekitty happy squinty-eyed face.

Together, they're quite a pair. Sunny's been known to trickHobbes into getting into trouble and sprinting from the room the momentshe hears us coming. They've always gotten into tons oftrouble together...and we think it's wonderful because the morepersonality, the better, we always say! :)

So, today, my babies are three. They both still look likethose little baby kittens we first brought home that June, so longago. (We had to bring them home at about a month old becausetheir mama wouldn't nurse them, so their mama's human had decided towean them at three weeks of age to DRY FOOD. They weren'tgetting the care they needed, so we brought them home. Iwouldn't have decided such a thing if I didn't truly know how to takecare of such baby kittens...so I wouldn't recommend such a thing tosomeone with little or no experience in that area.)

Such wonderful babies...and they both get along so nicely with thebunnies. Sunny avoids them out of slight jealousy for thembeing here at all and only really interacts when Flower winds upinevitably sniffing her tail or trying to make a friend of her.

Hobbes LOVES to interact with the girls, but isn't quite sure how to doit. He's so big and ackward with them, it's really adorable(he's about 15lbs).

I really love my feline babies. I don't think I'll ever seefull-grown, adult cats when I look at them, no matter how old theyget. I tell all five (and soon eight) of my babies, "You'llalways be my baby...no matter how old you get!"

So, after all that...

[align=center]Happy Birthday, my baby kitties!

I'm so proud of you and how much you've learned and grown inthe past three years. Though your bodies stopped growing atabout a year, you've continued to listen and learn from the thingsaround you. I couldn't be more proud of twokitties. You make Mama so happy!! :D

I hope your birthday is so special! I love you soooo much!!

Love always,
Mama and your human family*

[align=left]Andhere are a few pictures of my feline babies:

And a couple funny ones of each:

Happy Hobbes:

My boy:

My pretty girl, Sunny:


Hobbes, laid back (and completely asleep):

Sunny, doin' the otter:





Awww!!! What cuties!!:inlove:

I've got 2 inside cats and 2 outside cats and all are female. One ofthe outside cats used to hang out on the porch ALL the time and hardlyever left while the other one was only on the porch for food. Notanymore! It's the exact opposite nowas the skiddish cat had 3kittens Satuday night with one being stillborn. Needless to say, I'venamed the grey female kitten with white toes and she'll be cominginside when weaned. In the meantime, Laci (kitten) comesinside once a day for a short meeting with the 2 inside cats. Theyaren't allowed to touch her but hopefully as she gets older, they'llaccept her as right now they give her a hiss. The male orange tabbywill be looking for a new home at this point in time.

Can't wait tillmy kittens open their eyes and become 'fun'!Baby bunnies are cute butbabycatsarecuter. :whistling

Happy Birthday Sunny and Hobbes! :bouquet:

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