I have read that "hangers" may be a sign of aproblem with rabbit's digestive tract. Should a vet look at a rabbitwith "hangers" if otherwise healthy? (My first rabbit had themsometimes & lived to be ten.) Thank you.
If you mean like poops strung together...yes,mine get them somtimes....I make sure to give some canned pumpkin/andor pineapple when I see them as its a sign theres some hair coming thrutheir digestive tract. Its no reason to run them right to thevet, but I would suggest doing the same as a precaution.
OK - i would think they inevitably ingest somefur, altho my Little Bear never had even one hanger, i don't think. ButFlopsy has longer fur so that might explain why she has them.
Another good way to prevent them is to offerunlimited hay. I actually find that the more hay my bunnies have infront of them, the more they will eat. And to cut down on hairingestion, I have had great success with using a lint-roller on my buns.
I notice them more in my buck that is part of abonded pair, think it comes from him grooming himself and hisgirlfriend. I do offer unlimited hay but still see them now and again,he's been to h3ll and back once in his life so I tend to get a bitoverprotective of him and push more fiber thru him when I see it.