Handling Issues

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New Member
Sep 22, 2011
Reaction score
Southern Alberta, Alberta, Canada
Hello all!

I'm new here, and just wanted to ask a quick question

Here's a bit of background:

I just received a rabbit (Benji) from a friend who can no longer keep him. Although she took good care of him, she never got him used to being held / trimming nails. As a result, he is nearly impossible to pick him up, and his nails are atrocious.

Now, my question is:

1. how should i go about picking him up / getting him used to being held? Is there a technique for picking up a squirmy / kicking / flailing rabbit?
i feel like this is something that should be taken slowly, yet i feel a slight sense of urgency because his nails are rather bad.

2. Is there a way to file down his nails without picking him up? I do think it's important to get him accustomed to being held, but if there were a way to actively file down his nails that would make things a bit less stressful.

Any other comments / advice would be greatly appreciated!

You could take him to the vet to have them trimmed.

PJ's pets will also trim rabbit nails.

Alternatively you can "bunny burrito" him in a blanket. Have one person hold him in the blanket while another clips his nails. Once you get this trim done you can work on getting him accustomed to you and to being held, but if they're really bad right now the most important thing is his safety and health.

Just my two cents!
We do the tag team method. One picks them up holding them upright and facing out so the feet are all presented for clipping while the second person gets to do the clipping (me). You need to grasp them firmly so they can't wiggle and kick--one hand at the chest and on at the stomach. I firmly believe that you have to get them to accept a certain amount of handling or things like trimming become impossible. Some of our "tolerate" handling if we work quickly while others snuggle in and will let us carry them around all day.
When we first got Gus and he wouldn't tolerate being held, I clipped his nails while he was eating his pellets. I didn't lift his paws or anything, justheld eachtoe and clipped the nail. He's got a bit of a food fixation, though, so if your bunny doesn't turn into a mindless food zombie when he's eating, then it may not work. :p

Hope that helps!

Oh, and as for general handling, that just takes time and patience. Try picking him up, then putting him down immediately. Do this every day.In time he'll learn that being picked up is not bad, and will tolerate it for longer and longer periods of time. The important thing is to put him down before he starts to kick or fuss. If he turns into an exploding bunny before you can even get him off the ground, then you'll need to work on just getting him used to just being touchedand having your hand around his middle.I'd do this with treats and then petting him while he's eating.

We've had Gus two years now, and he went from freaking out after being held for under 5 seconds to letting you hold him for about 5 minutes! He's still not a big fan of being held, but he's much better about it. And my arms are too. :p

Hope that helps!


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