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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2008
Reaction score
Salyersville, Kentucky, USA
I use to breed Syrian hamsters on and off for a goodeight-nine years. I stopped two years ago after picking up new stock, as well as Campbell's Dwarves, and things not going well. Some illness struck.

Two years later, a new house and new hamsters and we have success! My Campbell's dwarf pair had babies roughly 32 days after I got them. Their names are Aaron and Bella. Aaron is a blue beige and Bella is a blue mottled. I have to admit, these have to be the sweetest hamsters I have had in a LONG time, and the sweetest dwarves I have ever had.

Mommy Bella is an amazing mom. She hadseven babies September 12th. Actually, she had two that morning, six by the time I went tobed that night and seven the next morning.Ten days later all seven are still alive and very fiesty. I have been handling them forfive days now and the last time I checked,two days ago, there where three girls and four boys. There are four blue beige, two blue, and one that looked blue but now has beige "trimming" and a creamy face so it is a mystery coler at the moment.

I have been in contact with a person who got two "female" Campbell's that turned out to be a pair and two turned to twenty-seven. I am hoping to meet up with her soon and get a pair or more to pair up with babies from my current litter.

I am very excited. I love my rabbits but I havehad and bred hamsterslongthan I have hadrabbits and I truely enjoy them. I hate their short life-spans but that is another thing.

Bella and Aaron shortly after I brought them home:

Nest of babies - two days old:


Nest of babies - four days:


I will get pictures of them today. They are soooo cute! They are not staying in the nest and their eyes are opening. Today, each time I picked one up they made this "GAAAAHHHH" noise at me the whole time. When I put them back they did the same to their parents. Bella was having to pull them back to the nest by their back feet because they where trying to bite her. it's a defense thing, I suppose.
Aww! I love hamsters! My favourite are syrians though but the dwarves are extremely cute too! Breeding them must be alot of fun :)
These pictures of from today. The babies' eyes are opening, they rarely stay in the nest when mom and dad is out and they are running all over the place. They even go at mom and dad if they try to take them back to the nest.

Aaron, Bella, and four od the seven babies alseep in their dish:


Daddy Aaron and four babies:


The other three babies:


How adorable!! They look so tiny.

Just a question...do hamsters rebreed again shortly after birth? Rats do, so I was wondering if it was the same with hamsters.
Grace; yep. I have used them since around August last year. I perfer them for housing for hamsters/mice whether you breed them or not. They are so much roomier and handier than the little plastic cages. Not to mention hamsters/mice are so smart they are always escaping from the plastic and bar cages.

Amy; It is said that the speices of hamsters that are social and kept in pairs for breeding do, however I have a friend who breeds as well as a ex-breeder friend and both say it is rare. They normally wait until the babies are older or weaned. Each pair is diffrent.

We will find out in about 5-6 days if she is pregnant again, if so then they odviously bred right after birth. However, she did not let Aaron around her and the babies for 2 days. So if they bred it was quick and would be odd for them to breed and her not let him help with the babies.
It makes me miss my hamster, I had in high school.

:)They are so cute. We looked at hamsters before we got bunnies. My 5 yr old was too scared of hamsters so the bunnies won. LOl.
Haha your right about the escaping! I had a Syrian that was always escaping, thankfully we found him each time he did! I love Syrians, love to breed them some day.
3 weeks old and just seperated from their parents. Some of them are right mean :p The girl i picked to keep bit me hard when I took her out from her mom and dad, ofcourse she had just been fighting with her mom so that may ahd been it.

All Seven are alive but not all are shown in the pictures, smallest blue girl and the male I am keeping are not shown:



They have gotten so big, One of the males is almost as big as his mom.

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