Hair Loss

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Oct 10, 2012
Reaction score
San Diego, California, USA
HELP!! my 15 week holland lop bunny is losing fur! she seems to be shedding a whole bunch, i am a new bunny owner and am not to sure what is normal but it seems like alot. she also has already lost a lot of hair on her left ear on the bottom, she doesnt seem to be scratching or seem itchy, i just brush her to make sure she doesnt ingest her hair. what should i do?!?!
Where is she kept?
Do you notice any flakes on her skin?
Are there actual bald spots on her?
Can you post a clean photo of the areas?
any other animals at home?
iirc, bunnies normally molt their baby fur somewhere around 4-9 mos, so if she's not itchy and you can't find any mites or anything on her, she could just be molting. molting's pretty bad, since they shed their entire coat and it can look pretty weird sometimes when parts of it come out before the rest of it.

brushing to prevent her from ingesting it is great; you can also try a lint roller after brushing to collect a bit more loose hair and/or dampening your hands and running them over the bunny then rolling them together to get the fur off so you can do it again.
she doesnt have any flakes and she lives in the house stays in the laundry room at night she is inside with my chihuahua and when he goes out she goes out with him. we have had her a few weeks and this has just started happening. hopefully nothing too serious. i will try and post some pics that can show but i only have my phone camera

This is how it looks on her back, i cant get a good pic of her ear so this is the best i can do

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