Hi, I'm seeing hair loss on my rabbit's neck. It is eating well and everything is OK. Any ideas what could it be? I can't go to the vet because, there are no nearby.
If the other rabbit or mother is humping her, grabbing the fur there with her teeth, and pulling the fur out, that could be an explanation. It's hormonal mating/dominance behavior.
If there isn't any humping going on to explain the fur loss, I would keep an eye out for signs of dandruff, as that is a common spot for fur mites to cause fur loss and dandruff. If it is mites, then the treatment is ivermectin or Revolution/Stronghold(selamectin).
Also, considering the type of fur, it could be just a normal molt pattern at this age, as long as the skin looks healthy just keep an eye on it. Doesn't look like humping plucking to me.