hair cut.....

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Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2007
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Orlando, Florida, USA
so i'm getting my hair cut in a week, and i think i might like something different, but i'm not sure what. any ideas? the only things are, 1, i can't dye my hair and 2,i want to keep it long.

here are a few pics(not the best, but they still work:dude:!).

back in feb


and in march(it's grown since then)


thanks guys!
Do you currently have layers? That's something you could try,and they go great with longer hair types :)I've always wanted to try bangs the side bangs, but I'm way too scared to do something that drastic w/ my hair, lol!

Good luck,

Personally, I am fond of the modified European Swing you see so popular these days.

You could get it in the longer shag layers.. it is where it is shorter in the back.. and longer in the front.

I have also myself had the version where its short enough in the back to gel no likey that version.. I like the longer version where the back hits you at the shoulders..

Be sure to insist you get it gone over with a straight razor, that is key to getting it lay right.

Judging by your hair in the pics.. you also will need a flat iron and a good silicone based straightening gel.. Tres Semme makes a good one I love..just make sure it has silicone in it..Tres Semme is available at Wal-Mart for around $4..Black tube.. red lid..
LadyBug wrote:
yeah, i found aflat iron last year. i love it, it just takes time, so i don't do it all the time:biggrin2:!

I adore my flat iron! I have long, VERY frizzy hair. The flat iron (along with the flat spray I use) makes my hair nice and straight. It also holds up to Florida humidity. It takes me about 20 minutes to iron (and my hair is almost to my elbows) and about 5 minutes to touch up each morning between shampoos.

I think you would look awesome with the hairstyle Zin recommends and flat ironing your hair.
OOh your hair is long. My hair was that long in 1997. Yep that long ago, my hair has been short since then.

But I am hoping to let it grow. I am getting a haircut today.

Hope you find a style you will like and suits you.
Years ago I was a hairstylst and you have "perfect" hair for just about anything.. Definetly long layers would be my suggestion, hard to switch to bangs when you don't have them and I've been trying to grow out my bangs since birth - lol, and never have been successful.. Whatever you end up doing - send a photo in after, I'd love to see the new "you".. Also, you have great hair color - no need to color it at your age - trust me in 20 short years, you might have to be coloring it ALL of the time (at least I do..)..
i really like emma roberts hair cut. if i want it flat ironed it'llgreat, and if i don't want to fool with it, i can just flat iron the 'bangs' and i'll be good to go. here are a few pics like i think i want it-

so, what do you guys think?
Yup! Those cuts (on Emma Roberts)are fabulous (I may need to print those out and take them with me when I get mine cut soon)! A little thinning with a straight Razor and use of flat iron and you too will be mistaken for Emma Roberts! Great choice!
ok, so i got my hair cut yesterday:dude:. it went a lot better than last time, i didn't bring any pics and so it didn't turn out that great. she was short on time and i ended up deciding to hack off quite a bit(it was a wee bit above my shoulders-the shortest i've ever had it.). it was ok, a nice change, but i would want to have it like that all the time.

no piccys yet, moms super busy, but we're going to a butter fly garden tomorrow, and i'm sure we'll have loads of pics after that. our youth group is going and i have a feeling all the moms are going to be camera happy. doesn't bother me, more piccys for my new scrap book! but i really like what we did, it looks really nice straight(which is how i have it now), but it looked pretty good last night(curly) before we flat ironed it too.
thanks for all the input guys!