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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2005
Reaction score
, Missouri, USA
Sinceyou are the only person I've evermet online who even knows what Kluyvera is, I have to ask you thequestions that have been going through my head since I brought Charliehome and found out it wasn't pasturella, it was kluyvera. He hassneezing fits and his vet (a very reputable rabbit vet in my area) saidhe'll most likely live a long, normal life since he's stable. He wentinto a head tilt a few weeks after I brought him home and one of hiseyes got so full of pus, he couldn't open it anymore. We cleared up hiseye with Gentamicin and he got 3 shots of penicillin and the penicillinis what saved himand it's what got rid of his minor headtilt.He's been on Baytril, Terramycin, Tetracyclin,Aureomycin, and another white goopy antibiotic that I can't rememberthe name of right now. Nothing helped his sneezing. He had a cultureand sensitivity done and that's what showed it was Kluyvera and thesensitivity said Baytril would clear it up for some reason, and it didnot.

My question is, can he live a long life (he's already 3) and if it'scontagious.. William still acts as healthy as he did before I broughtCharlie home and I was just wondering if he could have caught this?
Kluyvera is a common bacteria that generallydoesn't cause any health problems except in individuals withcompromised immune systems. There are a number of differentstrains, some less likely to respond well to antibiotics. Itis likely that another health problem or stress predisposed you rabbitto the secondary bacterial infection.

Thank You Pam Iwas going to refer over to you ,I dont know a lot about it but I knowyou do , I find the web sites to help wihUnderstanding , Pam is our Best expert ,None surpass ,
thanks so much for that explanation. i wonderwhy nothing else showed up on his culture? im just glad i still havehim today, whatever he has is immune to antibiotics. i wonder how badthey actually treated him at his last home, i know for a fact he neverhad hay. he had the messiest bottom i ever saw and it cleared up withina week after having unlimited grass hay.
Theblood tests (antibodytiter)show antibodies to particularantigen(including pathogens)that the rabbit was exposed to, but doesnot necessarily indicate an active infection. The titers maynot identify all antigens and may not be able to differentiate betweendifferent strains. The titer can be helpful in identifyingcommon antigens that the rabbit has developed resistance (antibodies)to.

There may be as many (or more) as 1000 different types of bacteriaexisiting in a rabbit's body (especially in the intestines) -- exactnumbers are unknown. Many of the bacteria of the normal floracan act as opportunistic pathogens at times of loweredimmunity. Kluyver is one of those common bacterias present inour environment that does notgenerally cause any healthproblems.


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