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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2004
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Hopatcong, New Jersey, USA
I guess she is going toVirginia?! (see PM) Not only doI have "Senior Moments", I also suffer fom CRS (can't remembers**t)!!!! See you soon. Charlotte
May I call you Charlotte? I can't thank you enough for letting me take her in.

I was wondering what her name is? In all the excitement Iforgot to ask. How old is she? Just a guess would be great.

I am so grateful to you and Gypsy for doing this. Jeremy criedlast night, he was so moved by what you are both doing. I must admit Ihad tears in my eyes as well.

Buck told me once that Good Things Happen To Good People Too. Ipray that this kindness is repaid to you both a hundred fold. You areboth wonderful people.


Hi Tina! Sure you can call me"Charlotte"!!!! I picked up Wooly Girl on January6th. The last time I had been at that particular Pet Shop wasDec.22nd....and, she wasn't there. They gave me no info onher.....just that her owner didn't want her, anymore. She isyoung...maybe a year, at the most. I have a feeling that shewas groomed, to the point where it hurt, with a wire catsbrush. She still cringes when you put your hand in her cagebut, she is so much better than she was. She is a sweetie,otherwise. I am glad that you are going to takeher. She needs the extra time & special care (notgrooming) that, because of all the other buns here, I can'tgive her. She doesn't need grooming! Since she'sbeen here, I have only had to comb her belly, twice! She hasgone through a full shed/molt, without a problem. She doeslike her carrots, dandelion leaves & flowers, romaine, grapes,apples....heck, she likes the good stuff!!!! I know you'llenjoy her.


P.S. Bless you, too. :angel::angel:
dootsmom wrote:
just that her owner didn't want her, anymore. Sheis young...maybe a year, at the most. I have a feeling thatshe was groomed, to the point where it hurt, with a wire catsbrush.

oooh. I accidentally did that once, as a young 4-H kid....a littleoverzealous with the brush during a molt before a show. Oh man, did Ifeel awful. Luckily the placid Californian buck, Gumdrop, didn't hold agrudge.

Those wire brushes....never, never again.


But on the bright side! Tina, have you really got a ANOTHER new baby??:DHow lucky can you get!!! Congrats!


I am justnow getting to this postgeesh busy board tonight , lol . withLosing Lightning I have been awaytoday , I cant wait tomeet WoolyGilr and YOUat the Boathouse Party ! thisis so wonderfull , I still haveto convince My Sistera road trip to Va isa necessary and good thing , lol BUTbeings we are going to be outand about anyways lol . Im hopingwe can make it downthere before the month is outshe is due for her vacation inJuly so it shouldntbe too long a wait . Me i canpack up and haul butt any time lol . Hubby just hasto mind the shop till I get back, oh boy spoiledrotten Bunnies when Ireturn I can see it now . Garden strippedof all rabbit friendly veggies, Parsley plants snipped off at groundlevel , not a carrot tobe found , lol . He says hedoesnt spoil them andthey are just rabbitslol but catch him when hedoesnt think your looking and watch hisface turn beet red cause he wascaught knuckle deep ina Rex furr lol .
I talked to mySister tonight and she has agreedto transport me, Cassi and bothBunnys to Va the weekof August 8 th !!! Iso cant wait to MeetTina and Jeramy in person , I get nearlya whole month to love and slush onWooly G whohooo !!! thisis going to be such an awsomemoth, i so cant wait!!!!!!!!
Charlotte and Tina , I hopeyou dont mind but in light of allthats happened here today , I am going tohave to bring the new fuzzybutts down to VA earlier thanexpected , Im not sure but Ibelieve we will be eitherleaving from the Boat House Party or thenext weekend after , but I havea babysitter to watch over theothersin the herd for those 2weeks while I am away. sorry for any inconvienience .

I so hope that Charlotte doesn't mind. The thought of gettingour Woolies sooner is sooooo exciting. But if it doesn't work outthat's ok.


Tina and Jeremy

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