Gulliver's Travels

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Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2007
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Long Island, New York, USA
Hi! This is my very first experience with blogs. So, I thought to start I would just link here to my initial thread explaining how I became part of the bunny world, complete with pictures.
I'll just keep it going from here.

Today, we went back to the vet. This little monster gained 3 pounds since I got him, so hooray for that. Unfortunately, his foot injury still has some issues, and he has to go in next week to have it opened up & drained. Then I will have to flush it out; that should be fun, the last time I had to do that there was a lot of growling, grunting & foot stomping. And he wasn't all too happy about it either, lol. ;)
He has some damage fromthe abscess (osteomyelitis in a couple of toes) but we're hoping & thinking he probably won't lose any toes.

The cutest thing: during the exam, the vet couldn't believe it when he turned around, stood up & put his paws on my chest and started kissing my face. She said "I want him to kiss me too!" and put her face down, but he didn't - only kissed me:tongue

Well that's the update for now. I'll keep them coming as I find out more, and will surely post more pix when I get them.

This is pretty interesting. For comparison, here are two pictures of him, almost exactly the same pose. Look how he has changed:

First night I got him, June 23, 2007:

Same pose ( I guess he's not very inventive,lol) about a week ago:

And here is his Disapproving Bunny photo. I think he disapproves of his business being spread across the world:

So how'd I do for my first blog? Please feel free to tell me if I should do anything different. But for now, I shall go pick up some poop.
Good night!
He looks so good! His fur looks so shiny and beautiful now and you can tell he's filled out some. I had to look back to his story and of course then I remembered he was the poor guy who had that THING pop out of his nose. He looks so happy and its great that you found each other! :)
WOW, you've done a great job with Gulliver. I can't believe how good he looks. His face has filled out so nicely and so has his body. His fur is so shiny. Great job.

Looking forward to more pictures.

Hi Gulliver! I'm Oberon.


I just wanted to congratulate you on belonging to the best, most awesome breed of rabbits ever. New Zealands rock!

I know what it's like to have a rough start to life, but I have a good home now just like you. I wasn't outside like you were, some mean people tried to feed me to a snake. Luckily the snake didn't think I looked tasty. I hope your feet get better. My hocks used to be sore but they're all better now. Just be careful because your momma might start talking about something called "neutering." I've been there, and let me tell you it's not any fun!
LOOK AT THOSE LIPS! He looks so handsome and suave. How do you keep from kissing him all the time?

When my Bo was a baby he literally jumped from the vet to me - he wanted MOMMY! he was afraid. Made me feel good but sorry I was making him go through the exam.

:wave:Hi Oberon, glad to meet ya!

We should totally hang out one night, we'll drive all the babes wild, two hot dudes like us.Too late on the neutering thing - my mom already got that in her head, and *ouch* I know what you mean. So that's already been done. Really, I was just too much of a stud to remain intact. But, who cares about that-what the gals don't know won't hurt 'em.

Hi Bo B Bunny, Eileen here - how do I keep from kissing him? I don't keep from it. I kiss him all the time, even after I've seen what he has eaten with those lips.:tongue

Thanks everybody. I'll post more pix soon.
So, this past weekendmy mom dragged me to church (hrmph!)for Blessing of the Animals. It was kind of fun; that big dog next to me didn't thrill me, but turns out he was actually pretty nice.


Here we are, waiting for our turn: (oops! edited from first picture as I put the above one twice!)

OK,this is a little staged but still fun. What does this guy think, I come out of a hat?

And,last but not least, another. ThoughI was tired and didn't really approve of this anymoreby now, it made her so happy I agreed to take the picture:

Sorry undergunfire, you've seen these on Goose's site!.
Here is a few more from the day, though not bunnies. It gave me a break, at least!


So,that is what I did last weekend. Anybody else go to one of these?
Were you the only one with a bunny? I've always wanted to take all of mine to that and have our priest bless them. I think he might be a bit overwhelmed tho! LOL!

So cool to see the horses! Thanks for sharing all the photos.

Too bad about Gulliver's foot. We had the kitty who had her toes cut off over the winter/spring. We kept them in vetwrap, with silvadine, and gauze. Every other day we unwrapped them and ran warm water over her feet and drained the pus. She was great and came through it very well. She was 14 and it was too much on her little body. As soon as she started to run and play she had a stroke. She was almost completely healed over at that point too.

Anyhow, I don't know the plan for Gulliver, but I thought I'd offer that much for you :)

I still love his little lips!

Oh, and he looks AWESOME!
Hi Eileen, this is Snowy from Rats Rule! Yay for Gully having his very own thread over here, too! I :hearts him.

Hi Snowy, good to see you here too!

We have a vet appt today for Gulliver's foot - he runs around on it, though it is a little sensitive - I am still hoping he gets to keep all of it, but it looks like as of his last appt that the only issue were a couple of toes, so that's not too bad (for me at least, I'm sure he feels differently.

So, I'll have more news later!

But no, there was one other bunny, a little lop. They had a harness on him but kept him in the carrier most of the time. Gulliver was as big as a lot of the small dogs there, so I gave it a try. He wasn't nervous really at all; in fact, he turned around during the service to grab my necklace, just like he does when we're home, so I guess he was pretty comfortable.
Good luck with Gulliver's appointment! I hope he gets to keep all his toes. Jeesh, he's had this foot thing for a long time, about time for it to heal and I'm sure you both agree! The church thing sounds really nice, church kind of weirds me out (bad Catholic school experiences) but if I knew one of Pet Blessings was going on, I'd be interested in bringing my pet. Does anyone worry about potential disease transmission?
Not to get off topic, but I went to 12 years of Catholic school and have lots of bad memories, so I know what you mean.
That's why I am now Episcopalian; that's where this was.
EileenH wrote:
Not to get off topic, but I went to 12 years of Catholic school and have lots of bad memories, so I know what you mean.
That's why I am now Episcopalian; that's where this was.

I didn't know Episcopalian churches had the blessings!

I just pulled my daughter from Catholic school last year. My son went through 9 years... K to 8. I wish I'd taken him out in 5th grade too.

Not to keep off topic but I personally have horrible memories of it! Some good things but definitely a lot of bad things. Isn't that sad?
EileenH wrote:
We have a vet appt today for Gulliver's foot - he runs around on it, though it is a little sensitive - I am still hoping he gets to keep all of it,
Our kitty got her toes cut off in a car engine. She was old and became deaf. She didn't hear anyone get it the car. (that's our best guess anyhow) and she wanted to be outside.

When she was ill we had her inside and she was ok with that then LOL!
So, Gully went to the vet last night, and.... he's good! No more infection, no more penicillin shots, and best of all, it looks like he is not going to lose any of his toes!!
The vet said she couldn't believe how good he did, that she originally thought he'd lose the leg and now he keeps everything!

One thing that I think helped; the last time they opened the spot, I injected 50% dextrose in there to help fight the infection from coming back. Kind of like the line of thought of using manuka honey to treat wounds; except he would LOVE me to put manuka honey in his leg - YUM. Instead, we did the dextrose and it may have done the trick.

Anyway, my little guy, who weighed in at 8lbs 2 oz - yowza!, is in the clear.
I'll take more pix and post later, but thought I'd give an update.
Does anyone worry about potential disease transmission?

None of the animals really interact, except for the dogs; I'd imagine no one worries about that anymore than they would bringing their dog to a dog park.

Not to keep off topic but I personally have horrible memories of it! Some good things but definitely a lot of bad things. Isn't that sad?
Yes, it is sad. But I will say, the reason I ended up becoming Episcopalian was that I was missing something spiritually, but every time I went back to the Catholic church I knew it wasn't right for me.
I credit my Catholic past for giving me religious roots deep enough to miss, and am thankful I found something that completed what was missing for me, yet doesn't make me feel "choked". It's also interesting that about 80% of the parish I am in now, were former Roman Catholic.
(For those of you Roman Catholics, no 'dissing intended. This is just a turn in my life I was sharing).

Well, this has turned into a deep thread, huh?

Hey Snowy & undergunfire; my first two years there I brought my rats; Fr Pat was good about it but sure didn't put his hands on them like he did to Gulliver! I am ratless for now, and it seems like getting blessed helped him because his foot is better!
:party:Yay for Gulliver being all better! What a relief. You should tell Fr. Pat about the blessing having worked :innocent. About the disease thing because I know with fish, rats, birds and some other animals you need to follow quarantine procedures, and I was wondering if rabbits need the same thing. I haven't really seen info about it though.

The Episcopalian church sounds like a nice alternative, I've been considering checking out the Unitarian church in town.
Goodness, it's been about 2 years since I posted here! Here are some new pix of Gulliver:


Not happy about his cage being cleaned.


look at that belly!


Getting my squish fix:D

I'll try to get better at putting more stuff up!