Guinea Pigs and Rabbits

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Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2005
Reaction score
, New Hampshire, USA
My friend is giving me her guinea pig with acage, she doesn't have enough time for all of her animals. I waswondering how far you would go with guinea pigs being with rabbits, canthey play together? What about live together?

Both are males, Smudge(rabbit) is unneutered and Im not sure about the guinea pig.

Howdy Neighbor !

I have my guiniapigs with my rabbits but all arecaged seperately and have playtime seperately . But io knowthere are a few herewho guinias and rabbitsshare the same play area , Iwould try seeing if they will playnicely or fight when havingplay time . Supervise them carefully andbe ready to jump in andseperate them if necessary.
The place I got 2 of my bunnies from had oneguinea pig in with them...they all did fine together. It was a hugearea they had for them...but the gpig didn't know it wasn't a rabbit!
Generally it is not recommended.

Their diet needs are incompatible and many guinea pigs are injured or killed by their boistrous rabbit companions.
Yes, I read that they need different amounts of vitamin C and such.

I will see if they get along just playing together, Thanks!!
Well, it's not just vitamin C. The antibioticsin rabbit food can kill guinea pigs. They'll definately need to be fedseperately...

Let us know how things work out! (and pictures are always good ;))
My rabbits share a room with 7pigs.The pigs are in 2 different C&C cages on thefloor.....they have low sides so they can see out. They love when Bennyand Blossom come over to say hi. They start wheeking and popcorningaround. I was told not to let them out together b/ca rabbitcould accidently hurt them if they gotkicked.

I guess it depends on the rabbits. Blossom's really good with the pigsbut I'd never let her on the floor b/c she's non-stop kicking andleaping in the air.

From my experience with the two, they all get seperate play time. I useto geteach pigout with Benny loose and hold it inmy lap on the floorbut stopped that very quick when Bennycame over andboxedSpike's head. Resulting in 2scratched guinea pig eyes. I even had to make my cages 2 grids high b/cBenny would get in there and harass them. Now, I usually just sit inthe floor and play with them in their cages....their 2 cages are huge,takes up a wall and a half.

There are no antibiotics in the rabbit food ifeed,they dont have rabbit food with medication in it at my feedstore.I let my rabbits play with my sons guinea pigs as long as i watchthem.bluebird
Some people say they can live together otherssay they cant, I think that as long as you meet the Guinea pigs vitaminrequirement because Guinea pigs cannot manufacture vitamin C like us,they mustreceive an adequate supply of it from outside foodsources. Vitamin C deficiency results in scurvy, which is characterizedbyswollen, painful joints and ribs, reluctance to move, poorbone and teeth development, and spontaneous bleeding from the gums andinto muscle. Is your bun bigger than the pig if so I would provide thepig with a shelter only big enough for him too escape to if heneedsto rabbitstry to mate with guinea pigs and can hurt them. Good luck

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