guinea pig or something else?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2005
Reaction score
, North Carolina, USA
sry for all the questions, but ineed some advice on what new pet my ten yr oldsister should get...shes never had a pet of her own and really would be inside and we would like something that would getalong with peapoo, my holland lop...we're thinkingguinea pig... would that be a good idea? could it be "friends" withpeapoo? and how long do guinea pigs normally live? we want somethingthat will live for awhile... oh also..can guinea pigs be litter trainedlike rabbits? or are they smart like rabbits? how social are they? ihad one when i was little but i cant remember...any suggestions?

thanks for the help! merry christmas everybody!
I can't say I know anything about Guinea Pigsbut they shouldn't be housed with rabbits as they have a differentdiet. Also, a rabbit can easily harm a Guinea Pig with an accidentalkick or misplaced bite. I would suggest just keeping them seperate orjust closely supervised at playtime.
Dog, cat would get along. I have 4 guinea pigsand MH has met them all but never plays with them cause he is too big.If you are allowed to get guinea pigs they must be paired cause theyare social animals.
Guinea pigs and rabbits can get along but shouldnot be housed together as the rabbit could accidentally harm the guineapig. They could be allowed together supervised. I once had a family ofguinea pigs and1 rabbit ....after a number of years three ofthe guinea pigs had passed away and my rabbit was old and had glacuoma.At that time I felt the guinea was lonely and allowed her time with myelderly rabbit. They took to each other very well the guinea wouldgroom my bunny. It was very sweet however both animals were elderly andyounger ones may behave differently. Guinea pigs are very socialanimals and really should have a companion animal to be happy. Theycannot be litter trained and although very sweet and social are not asbright as bunnies.

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