Guinea pig help

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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2008
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limerick , , Ireland
Hi I have a guinea-pig now, But I didn't even expect it, Someone at mams work was getting rid of her long haired guinea-pig and mam volunteered to take it. Now this thing is like only 6 weeks oldandreally likes to sit in her bowl. Mam thinks that she was kept in the tiny box we were given her in, She barely fitted into the box. So we gave her a big massive cage made to house a rabbit. And she has no idea on what to do with all this space. She was very nervous so mam alsothinks she didn't get the best treatment. I'm not completely sure if it is a purebred long haired guinea pig but it's hair is longer then any of the guinea pigs I had when I was younger. And she is only about 6 weeks old. For like the first day she wasn't eating but now she has started on the mix food I got her, I wanted to get her pellets but they were out of guinea pig pellets, all they had was the mix. I am just wondering what vegetables I should feed my guinea pig? And what vegetables not to feed? Any other tips I might need to take on board?

Oh and I need a name, She was called Georgina but I don't really like that.
this site is fantastic for guinea pigs like RO for rabbits

The site above was suggested for another person who needed guinea pig help. I'm not sure about what to feed such a young guinea pig. I've only had an adult piggie. I know that they need timothy hay like rabbits, pellets, vitamin C supplements (unless they get enough in their veggies)and can have many of the same veggies rabbits can have. I'm not sure if you can feed veggies to such a young pig though. I know you should wait with rabbits. Check out the site above and see if they offer more guidance. Good luck. They are so much fun!

This link talks about diet:

and this one talks about general new to pig stuff, including a bit on diet:

i was thinking of gettng a piggie but i think imma just save my money for my doggie :D plus i doubt that they'll let me have a guinea pig after what my silly bunners did haha.

Wish yah all the best!
My understanding is Cavys are pretty much born ready to go. They only nurse for about 2 weeks then they can have all the fresh foods. Much like rabbits they do have sensitive digestive systems and you should introduce new foods slowly.

Cavys can have much more variety of fresh fruits and veg than rabbits. They need a lot of vitamin C. Bell pepper, carrots, broccoli, kale, romaine, pear, cucumber, apple, tomato, grapes, fresh corn. Nathan's pigs love to chew on corn cobs.

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