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Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2004
Reaction score
, Ontario, Canada
When I am having guests over I thought I shouldmove the cage somewhere where my rabbit won't feel threaten. Right nowhe is in the living room. Should I move him to a different room or justa far corner of the living room?

Its just I don't know how traumatic it may be for him to see so manypeople and be in a noisy room, and I don't want him to worry more thanhe does.
Hi AnnaS,

I'd keep the rabbit in the same room he's in. If he's in a high trafficarea, you might wish to put him off a bit so that he can still seeeveryone, but take a nap when it's necessary. Moving the rabbit out ofthe room he's currently in and used to is something I wouldn't suggest.Being in the living room, you can keep an eye on how people aretreating him.

Whenever people come over with their young children, I have not qualmsabout telling them 'The Rules' as to how be treat the bunnies andwhat's not okay and what is. If they don't follow the instructions Igive, I put the rabbits in their cages and tell them to stay away.

Carolyn, thanks, thats a good idea to move him toa different side of the room. I am pretty sure he won't nap untileverybody goes away. I never actually seen him sleeping.
Hi AnnaS,

I can relate to that. I didn't see Tucker sleeping for thelongest time when I first got him. They sleep very lightly,as you can tell. Tucker even sleeps with his eyesopen. He loves his nestbox when he wants to hide away fromfolks. In his old cage, I used to have a hide-away box thathe also would hop into when I'd vaccuum the rug or someone would comeover and try to take him out of the cage. One of 'The Rules'is is that when he goes in there, don't bother him. (Myselfincluded has to respect that).

I made a hide-away box for him yesterday. Hespent most of yesterday in it. I think he feels a lot more relaxed init, he lies down a lot more.
Usually he comes out when he wants to be pet, or wants to play.

Aww, he loves his hide-away box that Mom made.

Way togo!

He'll love thatwhen the guests arrive so that he can hide away when he needs to.

My boys both have boxes in their cages, but theynever go in them. :shock:Spice goes in to rip the newspaperand push all the shavings out but other then that, they don't go in,lol. Unless it's winter, they go in to keepwarm but don't really hidein them. Odd bunnies!
Fauna doesn't like a hide-away box,Laura. I finally took it out of her cage as it was justtaking up space that she wouldn't use. Tucker loves it, butshe doesn't care for them at all.

Thanks Laura!

I was looking for that picture, but couldn't find it.

Yup, that's my spoiled littlebaby boy. He'd never give that look to Fauna!



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