Guess where I found Sabrina today...

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Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2009
Reaction score
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Well I heard quite the rukus coming from the bathroom so I went to check it out and lo and behold little Sabrina was running the binky 500 in the bathtub. She usually uses the ledge as a perch but today she hopped right in! I took her out worried that she was stuck but she leaped right back in. When I returned with the camera she was done binkying but I still managed to get a few cute shots!

On her perch

Her I'm innocent look

Thanks guys! The same thing happened again! I heard her hop in so I grabbed the camera and as soon as I had it loaded she just gave me the "innocent" look. I now have left the camera in the bathroom so that hopefully I will catch it next time.
Very cute pictures. I bet her running the Binky 500's in the tub were so cute.

I'd be a little worried with the toilet seat up, just in case she jumped in it by mistake. I'm adiment that the toilet seat remains down at all times in the main bathroom as Daisy Mae wanders inthat bathroomall the time.

Susan :)
Thanks everyone! She hasn't been in the tub since I got home from work but she was definitely racing again while I was out because the shower curtain was completely out of place.

Susan - I never even though about the toilet seat!!! As soon as I read your post I ran and put it down. Thanks for the advice
Hehehe! Gus occupies the spare bathroom and for the first few months I was really worried he'd end up in the toilet! I was always checking to make suretheseatwas down and nagging the kids about it. But he's never shown any interest in it, and now I'm not worried at all! ;)

Cute. :) J.Behr likes the tub too. He thinks it's a giant litterbox though.