Yay! I hope my hoomin gets me lots of toys and fun stuff. I want her to get me tweats, but she says i'm too wittle fer tweats. *hmph* I liked the carrot that one time. =P
Dis iz Becky- momma saz Indy and I can go to de pet store tonight after my check up to pick out toys! We likes toys! We pwomise to bwring home some for Houdini and Cindi too.
Mom says I alwedy got my treat, I ate the biggest apricot I could find in the box. But mummy luvs me a whole big bunch so I bet I gets another treat tomorrow. She tells me that everyday with me is wabbit appreciation day. lol I agrees because I am one big,cuddley special guy.
The kids ended up picking oxbow simply strawberry treats. There weren't any new and interesting toys. I love to put two things down in the cart and see which one the buns prefer. Becky is very clear on her choices. She will sniff both and then nose bonk one! Indy just tried to slobber on both of them.