Guess my breed =)

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Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2010
Reaction score
Lower Mainland, British Columbia, Canada
Meet Penelopy =)

I purchased her earlier this week from a family who couldn't keep her any more because they had a cat and a baby. The original owner was not a bunny person and believed she was a mini lop. What do all you bunny experts think? =)

What breed is Penny? And how old do you think she is?







=) I'd love to hear your guesses! Any tips and suggestions on care are greatly appreciated as well =)
OMG she's so cute. I love the second picture of her.

I can hardly wait to hear more about her and see many more pictures of her.

Susan:big kiss::inlove::heartbeat:
I guess Holland Lop also! Very cute little girl and adorable name! it looks like a broken blue tort for color ?
She is really adorable. As to the broken blue, looks like she has some brown lower on her back also. Looks like a Holland. And yes, she's too young to be eating vegetables, but you can give her alfalfa as it is high in calcium and will aid in bone growth and development. Transition to Timothy hay at six months as the extra calcium will be detrimental to her waste system past her growth period. An alfalfa based pellet would also be good, although all of ours get a timothy pellet and had alfalfa til they were six months.
Ok, here are the lop breeds that she can be: Holland Lop, French Lop, Mini Lop. Not sure which one she is but she is adorable and about 8 to 10 weeks old.

Did the people you got her from have an adult of the same breed as her there? Did you see the adult?
Thank you for your guesses everyone!

I'm surprised to hear you think she's 8-10 weeks old.. it makes me a million more times nervous to care for her. The original owner received her as a gift so I have no idea what her mum was or looked like. She had her for about a month. Her exact words were "I'm not quite sure how old she is but she has reached her full size although she's practically still a baby".

I'll admit she looks smaller in the photos I posted earlier than she is in real life. Take a look at the following:

I tried to get snap shots that show her markings. I'm not sure how to "evaluate" markings but I've noticed all over the internet that there's great interest in their prints =) Penelopy is white, grey, and brown. I can't decide if she's more brown or grey =)


- Compared to a standard laundry basket


- Compared to her tunnel, half a roll of toilet paper, and a clarisonic box


- Her back prints =)


- Her back and ear =)

Do you still think she's 8-10 weeks old?
she looks like a broken blue tort. Agree with everyone above.
And she is very very cute.:biggrin:
She is definitely a Holland Lop. :) I would say she is closer to 12-14 weeks based on her development. She does look very young, but not as young as a weanling to me.
Lol. She's definitely not full-size. ;)
Looking at her again, I agree with Julie. She could be between 12 & 14 weeks of age.
It would make sense, if you say that the old owner had her for 4 weeks, otherwise that would have made her 4-6 weeks when the other lady got her!! :O

She is definitely a young bunny. I agree with everyone who says that she is between 12 to 14 weeks old and I still think that she is either a holland or a mini lop. I don't think that she is at her full size, although she could be.

Question: When do rabbits reach their full size?
Sweetie wrote:
Question: When do rabbits reach their full size?
It depends on the breed. I have Holland Lops and Jersey Woolies who are approximately full size by 4 months old and then just continue to "fill out" until about 6 months old.

Larger breeds mature a bit slower, they are usually full size around 8-10 months of age.
OakRidgeRabbits wrote:
Sweetie wrote:
Question: When do rabbits reach their full size?
It depends on the breed. I have Holland Lops and Jersey Woolies who are approximately full size by 4 months old and then just continue to "fill out" until about 6 months old.

Larger breeds mature a bit slower, they are usually full size around 8-10 months of age.
Thank you, OakRidgeRabbits!

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