Grumpy Gus

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Retired Moderator
Oct 24, 2009
Reaction score
Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
What is going on with myrabbit?

For the last 3-4 days he has been positively grouchy! He doesn't seem to want to be pet--by me or anyone else. He throws his head up and nudges our hands away. He chases the kids and nudges and nipsthem. My friend's daughter (who I babysit after school on a regular basis) is getting afraid of him. If we give him a treat, he flicks us off and hops away with it.

He's digging and chewing the carpet like never before. And he is OBSESSED with getting under and behind the couch, even though I've got it blocked off with NIC panels!

I can't figure it out!



Is he neutered? I can't think of anything but hormonal changes or illness that would cause this. I'm not an expert, but if he is neutered then I would take him into the vet. Drastic personality changes should not be happening.
Yes, he's neutered.

I've wondered about illness. But he's eating, drinking, pooping, etc. and hasn't seemed to be exhibiting any symptoms, besides just being grumpy. I'd hate to put him through the stress of going into the vet just to be told he's perfectly healthy. :(

Did you go on vacation? Make a major change in his environment? My bun will get mad at me if I do something he doesn't like. but he will calm down after a day or two.
Thanks, guys.

Yes, he's moulting (has been for over 2 months! :p).

The only thing I can think of is hubby went away for the weekend (from Friday to Sunday). Saturday is when I first noticed him being really grumpy.

Last night,though, hubby had Gus up on the couch with him, feeding him bits of dried papaya and petting him and pretty much ever since, he's been in a much better mood!

Could he have been missing hubby? :shock:

Yes, that is probably it! They can get very upset when a person that is normally there isn't.

When I went on vacation last September, my room mate looked after my bunnies for me. They where awful for her and didn't use the litter box at all! But as soon as I got back they started using it again no problem. Brats...

Yes, he could most definitely have been missing your husband.
White Chocolate always got horribly grumpy and moody whenever my daughter was gone for even a day. She didn't come round untill she showed my daughter her displeasure about leaving her, either.
They can be such brats :)
Yeah they can be terrible. If I'm gone for to long Shino will literally turn is back to me when I come in. Usually he does this for a day or two. The last time I came home though he turned and ran, stopped and though about it for a second, then hopped back to me asking for pets. Maybe he's growing up lol.
Looks like he's still miffed at hubby. He's fine with me and the kids now. But last night, hubby went to feed Gus a treat and Gus snatched it, hopped off and thumped at him! Then when hubby went after him, Gus went and hid in his box and thumped for like 10 minutes! :p

Just cracks me up that buns can hold a grudge! My cat doesn't, no oneI know who has dog has ever said the dog was mad for days - but buns - they are just horrible..

Too funny.
funnybunnymummy wrote:
Yes, they can most decidedly be brats. It's sometimes like having a two-year-old in the house... :p

That's exactly what they are, "terrible twos". Smart enough to know when something they do is wrong, stuborn enough to do it anyway. And masters in the art of throwing a good tantrum :D.

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