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Retired Moderator
Jan 18, 2007
Reaction score
Austin, Texas, USA
I worked ALL day slaving away making subs forpeople. I was looking forward to coming home and playing with the buns.I decided to be nice today and let them be free from their closet andhave their attached pen to run around in too.

Well, I walked in the door of my bedroom and saw that the buns hadsomehow gotten around or over the NIC panel fence. I then looked overto see my priceless 1993 SIGNED Misfits tour booklet laying on thefloor in shredded peices. It would have been worth a TON in a fewyears. Laying next to that was my signed tour paper bag from theMisfits and one of the Ramones....with a big bunny bite taken out of it.


I still love the bunbuns though:hearts

- Amy
I know. I was so dissapointed. I apologized toRyan like a thousand times because his sister gave us those things. Hewasn't mad, just dissapointed also.

If my rats had done something like that when I still had them, he wouldhave been furious....but he was sweet to the bunnies saying that itwasn't their fault and they just need to go to their room for a littlewhile.

PHEW. I thought he was going to kill me when I first saw it all over the floor:angryrant.

- Amy
Oh that sucks. My bunny ate our cable. She alsohas peed on my BF's pants, literally 2 minutes before he was about toput them on. The pants are washable and the cable is replacable, so Iwas lucky. Bunnies always want to eat the one thing they aren't allowedto. I give my bunny TONS of things to shred, and she still will try toeat my BF's paintings, or my notebooks.

Yeah, mine have their wicker basket and alsotheir phonebook to shred. Besides my precious Misfits things, they alsochewed apart our cell phone cords and my camera cable, which I willhave to replace, bleh.

- Amy
My sympathies go out to you. I cantotally relate. My Scooter has chewn through two prizewinning quilts of mine. In multiple places. And sheis still living. And I still love her. Go figure.
Haha! Amazing how they can ruin somethingspecial to us, but yet we still run around after them picking up their"oopsie-poopsies" with our fingers!:tantrum::sweep:lookaround

- Amy
Amazingly, they didn't chew my laptop cord. It was laying right out in the open too.

They like to chew the little thin cords....cell phone, camera cord, ect...hehe.

- Amy

Oh no...isn't that just an awful thing to comehome to?? Finding a treasured possession destroyed by a pet; especiallyone that is irreplaceable. It's happened to me before too, and it'sjust such an awful feeling at the pit of the stomach. Yet as much asyou want to scream at them, you know they are completely innocent, andjust doing their bunny thing.

All I can say is...sometimes it's a danged good thing bunnies are cute...:?
undergunfire wrote:
Laying next to that was my signed tour paper bag from theMisfits and one of the Ramones....with a big bunny bite taken out of it.
You could always say one of the Ramones bit it! Then it would be worth even more! :upsidedown:

Seriously though, I'm sorry they did that. Naughty bunnies! :nono

Drizzle ate through my favorite headphones once. I was listening tomusic on my computer and then the music just stopped. I looked down,cord was plugged in. However, it was in Drizzle's mouth...cut down themiddle. I feel your pain!:hug2:
Awww, thanks guys:hug1! It does stink, but they just thought it was a toy.

Good thing they didn't touch my Misfit's dolls that are still wrappedin their boxes. PHEW! I also still have one signed bag from the Misfitsand one member of the Ramones. It was just that tour book that made itso frustrating!

- Amy

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