Growing Grass

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Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2011
Reaction score
Lowell, Massachusetts, USA
So does anyone grow their own grass for their bunnies. Blossom loves grass. I give her a small handfull in the morning and a small handfull at night. I have been doing it for about a week with no problem. She gobbles it up likes its her last dinner!! I was thinking of growing my own and wanted suggestions on what kind to buy. thanks Mindy
Cat grass is good to grow. I had some but unfortuately I had too many fruit flies so i got rid of it.

I just bought mine at the grocery store.

Sometimes you can find grass growing kits in the kitty section of the pet store. They also sell seeds if you have your own soil and pot. I can't off hand remember what type of grass it is, but I used to grow it for my cats and it's a superfast germinator. I was just looking for some last weekend, but i only wanted the seed. It's also not dipped in fungicide so it's safe. :biggrin2:
Are you talking about say Cat grass (oat) or plain old lawn grass? I would think growing oat grass may add a bit more fun to the diet for indoor buns or in the winter.

My guys get to eat lawn grass if they choose too when they go outside, otherwise I only grow veggies and herbs for them.
ya she loves grass. She will sit still long enough while she is munching it so I can groom her!! I want to grow some because once the winter hits I wont see grass for months!! Im from New England MA

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