Grooming through cage wires but fighting during free run

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2006
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Queens, New York, USA
Can anyone help me out with this one:I caught Rice grooming Beans when Rice was in the cage. Shedid it through the cage wires. Beans just laid there on theother side and let her do it. So i thought they were becomingfriends. As soon as I tried to let them both out togetherthey started to fight. Any thoughts??
Do you just let them out into theroom? If you do, they're fighting because they're defendingtheir territory. What do they do if you put them in neutralterritory (space they've never been in)? If you think they'vebeen everywhere in your house/apartment, try the bathtub, just puttowels down for traction. Or on top of a dining table withsomeone else to help prevent them from falling off.
Yep, mine are fine together in the back yard.
The living room has been Sunny's territory since day one, so she's not taking too kindly to Misu invading it.
Honestly the bathtub has never worked well forme. Both of my pairs needed more space with big toys thatblocked the line of sight in a few spots. But if it's all youhave it's better than nothing. Tego, are you still at yourmom's house? Can you set up an NIC pen somewhere else forbonding where the rabbits haven't been yet?

Sunnybunny, maybe if you can get them to be friendly in another part ofthe house before moving to the living room? I wonder ifthey're thinking of each other as "outside friends" right now.
I am still in CT. My fiance broughtRice and Beans to CT this morning cuz i missed them so much.Neither of them have been here yet so I set them up in my brother'sroom. Beans attacked her right away!!! What's thedeal?! I'm so frustrated. It cant be allterritorial as niether of them have EVER been here. :?
They might be stressed from the move. Give them a few days to settle in, then try again.

Or you just have a pair of fussy divas on your hands.;)

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