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I've been looking for some good articles torecommend on grooming longhaired rabbits. Rabbits such as jerseywoolies as well as angoras. Does anyone know of one or several?
We have previously posted a lot of info on thisboard if you search for "wool", "grooming", etc. You can alsodo a search for "blower" where I have a link for a blower to groom thecoat with. I find it easier to keep our Angoras coats shearedmost of the time if we are not showing them.
The Jersey Wooly has a coarser coat that doesn't require muchupkeep.A proper American Fuzzy Lop coat should also be easyto keep up on with a light brushing. Top breedersdostill use blowers on their Jerseys and AFLs to maintain thedensity of the coat.
Breeds such as the English Angora and Giant Angora have amuch softer coat that requires a blower to groom it so the density ofthe coat is not brushed out.
One of the most difficult coats to maintain is that of the Satin Angoradue to the thin diameter hair shaft. I've sheared a few ofthose and they were a nightmare