Hello everyone! My name is Wade, I'm 37 and the father of two boys (9 & 7) who are very excited to now have a pet rabbit. My oldest son has been wanting a rabbit for some time now, and he has always specified he wanted a Rex rabbit. So the other day we were at my wife's cousin's for a graduation party. They mentioned they had a rabbit, so my boys went in to check it out. The next thing I know they are looking to get rid of the rabbit and offered it to us, free of charge, with the cage and everything. I originally said no, but after I felt how soft the rabbit was I gave in. It turns out it appears to be a mini rex rabbit! Just what my son wanted. I tried weighing it and it's some where between 3 and 4 pounds.
Now, whenever we get a new pet I have to go online and research, research, and research some more. This rabbit was living in a wire bottomed cage. I assumed right off the bat this probably wasn't ideal, as we have pet rats and they don't like wire bottom cages either. So our free rabbit turned into an expensive rabbit as I went out and bought it a new cage which is filled with Carefresh bedding. He seems much happier already. The poor guy would spend almost the whole time sitting in his plastic litter pan when he lived in the wire cage. Now he stretches out to rest and doesn't seem interested in sitting in his litter pan anymore! He also now has access to unlimited hay, something I don't think he had before.
He also had 3 ticks which I removed, and his nails were pretty long, which I trimmed partially and will trim some more in a week. Hopefully everyone approves of what I've done for this rabbit so far.
I'm gradually switching him from the Kay-tee rabbit pellets they were feeding him to Oxbow adult rabbit pellets. He is also getting fresh veggies, mainly romaine lettuce with a little fresh basil and mint from my garden.
So we think he's a mini rex, but we're not exactly sure of the color. We though Castor, but I think I've ruled that out. I'm leaning towards Tortise now. He has a grey belly, rich brown / orange top side, dark nose, ears. Here are a few pictures, I'll try to get some better ones soon. We've only had him for less than 30 hours.
Now, whenever we get a new pet I have to go online and research, research, and research some more. This rabbit was living in a wire bottomed cage. I assumed right off the bat this probably wasn't ideal, as we have pet rats and they don't like wire bottom cages either. So our free rabbit turned into an expensive rabbit as I went out and bought it a new cage which is filled with Carefresh bedding. He seems much happier already. The poor guy would spend almost the whole time sitting in his plastic litter pan when he lived in the wire cage. Now he stretches out to rest and doesn't seem interested in sitting in his litter pan anymore! He also now has access to unlimited hay, something I don't think he had before.
I'm gradually switching him from the Kay-tee rabbit pellets they were feeding him to Oxbow adult rabbit pellets. He is also getting fresh veggies, mainly romaine lettuce with a little fresh basil and mint from my garden.
So we think he's a mini rex, but we're not exactly sure of the color. We though Castor, but I think I've ruled that out. I'm leaning towards Tortise now. He has a grey belly, rich brown / orange top side, dark nose, ears. Here are a few pictures, I'll try to get some better ones soon. We've only had him for less than 30 hours.