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Greetings to all! I am based in Singapore and aman 'accidential' rabbit parent. We found Happy (the sable point feller)abandoned in a field near our home. He was in bad shape but recoveredreally well. He is an amazing rabbit with one particular habit - he hasa built-in alarm clock. At 8am sharp, he will jump on our bedand wake us! Since we're up by 7am on regualr days, this only happenson holidays and the weekends. Happy is very sprightly and always hasthat 'naughty, little boy' look in his eyes. We often catch himbouncing on our bed!
A few months later, we adopted Sofi from the local HRS. She had beenseized by the local authorities as her cruel owner stuffed her into asmall cage and used her as a baby factory. When we took her from theHRS, she was very aggressive (toward humans) but took to Happy verywell and it was love at first sight! Our rabbits have free roam in ourlarge apartment and it took Sofi ver a month before she came in fromthe balcony. Just recently she started her binkying and her aggressionhas mellowed down significantly.
Happy and Sofi are are never apart for long and always doing thingstogether - stiiting on their poop tray, munching on magazines,snuggling, roaming, chasing each other...
True Love!
A few months later, we adopted Sofi from the local HRS. She had beenseized by the local authorities as her cruel owner stuffed her into asmall cage and used her as a baby factory. When we took her from theHRS, she was very aggressive (toward humans) but took to Happy verywell and it was love at first sight! Our rabbits have free roam in ourlarge apartment and it took Sofi ver a month before she came in fromthe balcony. Just recently she started her binkying and her aggressionhas mellowed down significantly.
Happy and Sofi are are never apart for long and always doing thingstogether - stiiting on their poop tray, munching on magazines,snuggling, roaming, chasing each other...
True Love!