Greetings from the new guy

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New Member
Jun 6, 2005
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Hi, I'm the new guy. Here from Connecticut. I am a member of another forum too.
A friend you all know recommended I appeal to you regarding Merlin, abeautiful, extremely friendly, white Angora buck who was dumped on melast week.
I raise Californians, some of whom are satins, and I just don't havethe time to care for Merlin. He is in a cage now in my hutch along with15 Californians and is really lonely. He loves to be visited and held.He'll stay in your arms until you just can't hold him anymore
He loves people. He's never been shown. He needs more care than I can give him, and clearly much more company too.
I'm in Connecticut, and I'll be available to show Merlin during theBoathouse Party next month. Meantime, I'll try to get a photo togetherand posted here. Posting to a forum is new to me, so it might take afew days. For now, picture an extremely fluffy, snow white Angora,about 8 pounds ... but looks twice that.
Warmest Welcome, Vittoret. :)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Dear Friends,

Everything Vittoret says about this Beautiful Baby is so true.

Unfortunately, Merlin is a throw-away Easter Bunny and Vittoret,through the kindness of his heart, has been fostering this Love for a"few" weeks.

Vittoret cares deeply for his charges and he doesn't have the time to love Merlin the way he feels he's deserving of.

I've not met a kinder, more gentle man in a long time than Vittoret. IfI had the space, I'd take Merlin in a heartbeat, but I don't.

When I first approached Merlin's cage, of course, he jumped to the backof it not knowing what my intentions were. I cooed him and spoke in asoft voice, and the Baby Boy came right to the front of the cage andlet me pet him as he looked at me and slowly closed his eyes. He's sucha loving rabbit.

I'm sure pictures will follow, but the personality this rabbit has is Gentle and Loving.

Thank you, Vittoret, for not culling him. I really think Merlin will make some family very happy if given a chance.

Oh he sounds wonderful!! I wish I could takehim, but I've just decided that thehair from myangora is too much for me so I'm keeping him cut short from nowon.Also because mine is a boy, it probably wouldn't work out.However my kids would be so ecstatic to get another Mr. Wiggles!!

Hi, :D

If you need a home for little Merlin, I am more then willing to open upmy home and invite him in :D I have a rabbit named Nimue (he is namedafter Merlin's wife in the movie Merlin). We though he was a "she" thatis why he has a girl name :D

Our family LOVES bunnies, I have three myself, my sister has two and my brother has one, they are all pet bunnies :)

I have actually been looking around to adopt a Giant Angora, but mostshelters dont have them, and the closest breeder is 4 hours away.

I am homeschooled so I have a lot of time for grooming and such, myrabbits have the run of my bedroom, and when it is nice out I have ahuge pen that they all run around in.


Here is a picture of my sister holding Nimue, he weighs atleast 20 lbs :)


Hi Amy.

Merlin is sorely needing some company of both human andrabbitkind. I can keep him here until you arrive. Are you coming to theBoathouse Bunnie party that Carolyn is sponsoring?

No I cant go, I have a family reunion that day,and I am so bummed that I cant go :( I could drive down there if youneeded me too :) I am not very good with directions but I am sure Icould figure it out :D

How perfect! Amy's looking for a GiantAngora and one just so happens to be available! Not onlythat, Nimue is Merlin's wife.Odd how it seems fateis stepping in. He's a real doll, Amy.You won't be sorry.

I realize you have a family reunion on the 9th of July. Ifyou and Jim can work out a day sooner than that or on the Friday orSunday after, you might still catch a few of us from the forum thatweekend.

I'll be sure to make myself available for the pick-up date.

Carolyn wrote:
If you and Jim can work out a day sooner than that or on theFriday or Sunday after, you might still catch a few of us from theforum that weekend.


oooo what a very good idea! :D :D If you need Merlin to go sooner I canalways come down sometime earlier :D I am very flexible :D

I hope it's sooner rather than later.I'm so happy for Merlin. He's going to be so thrilled in hisnew home. :bunnydance:

Weekends are best for me, if thats good withyou. I can always do weekdays but because of school it would be muchlater in the day :) Let me know what you want to do :D

Weekends work. Maybe this one??????? :wink:

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