Greetings from New York

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Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2008
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Bloomfield, New York, USA

I am getting back into rabbits after a brief hiatus - my sons and I showed Hollands and American Fuzzy Lops for years but since losing our last Holland, Peanut two summers ago (and he was a really sweet bunny - loved to press his nose up against the cage to get his nose pat), my oldest son wanted to pursue his dream of owning and showing Checkered Giants.

His favorite rabbit was a broken black Holland named Winslow - another great bunny and Winslow's lady love, a beautiful typey tort Holland doe, Torianne.

My younger son had a Holland who cannabalized (sp) her litter except one and we fostered her onto Torianne, who raised her. My son called her "the Crown Jewel" and she showed well for him - she was an American Fuzzy Lop - a broken tort. My favorites were Peanut and Winslow... and boy did we cry when we lost them.

Back to our Checkered Giant project.... We have not been able to connect with the one breeder in our area - they do not answer emails or the phone and believe, I have tried at all times of the day. Another breeder did not have stock and would not until spring. but he has our number and said he would call when he was able to get stock in the spring. I am trying to be hopeful but am becoming very discouraged since our show season starts in two weeks.

Happy Holidays to all - looking forward to being part of this forum -

Silversong Farm
Welcome to the forum, Denise!
That's really cool that you used to own/show Hollands and AFL's! :) I raise and show Mini Rex and English Lops :)

Good luck on finding some Checkered's. By the way, where at are you? This site may be able to help you locate more Checkered breeders in your area ;) Just click on the Rabbit Breed Directory, then the breed of your choice and scroll down and it will list breeders! :)

Thank you, Emily!

There do not seem to be any breeders in our area but I can investigate some neighboring states for Checkered Giants...

The search continues...:biggrin2:

Silversong Farm
Yes, Dave - I checked with the specialty club and ARBA... there is a show here next Sunday so I will be going to hopefully connect with someone.

I have a friend who is a trucker who can do shipping for me... the cages are ready (and have been ready), water bottles ready to go... just waiting... a two month search is almost going into three months...

I hope you didn't take offense. Thats great you have some to help with the transportion end of things. I had to limit my search for a light gray flemmie to adistance I could afford to drive to and back.
Oh, no, I did not take offense at all. :)

I should explain - it has been a long, unsuccessful search so far and very frustrating for me since there is a breeder not too far from me that was recommended by the specialty club yet they do not answer their phone, even when someone is home (you can tell that someone was on the phone... I tried calling - no answer during that five minute period and then the line was busy - repeatedly over days and weeks).

My horsesitter recommended our mutual trucker friend who is an animal person (and our hay person) that goes out of state weekly, and she also recommended a dog transport agency that will move rescue dogs from state to state... but I have yet to even talk to a breeder who answers my emails or picks up the phone. Hence my exasperation and frustration.

I always had my best Holland sales after Christmas...keeping my fingers crossed that there is a breeder at our local show next weekend and they don't try to sell me culls, stating "Oh, they can produce show quality rabbits - it is in the genetics." That was a load of hooey for me - I found what you see is generally what you get.

Sorry to vent in such a broad sense but I have never had this happen with other breeds I have worked with. I am really longing for the long ears and the fun of showing...and celebrating a "gotcha day" and more importantly, bonding with a new bun.

Ears to you...


(and the cages still await.)
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
I had to limit my search for a light gray flemmie to a distance I could afford to drive to and back.

I hope you can find your light grey Flemmie - they have such great expressions... and who is the cute rabbit in your avatar?

Silversong Farm
what part of NY are you in? I know i've seen some giant checkereds at the vermont state fair show and rhinebeck show in NY. I can keep my eyes open on the eastern edges of NY for you

welcome to the forum! sorry to hear about your loss of your two beloved bunnies, but i hope you find your breed for your son and to show in time. would love to see some pictures! :D
Blaze_Amita wrote:
what part of NY are you in? I know i've seen some giant checkereds at the vermont state fair show and rhinebeck show in NY. I can keep my eyes open on the eastern edges of NY for you

I am in the Finger Lakes area - west of Canandaigua, east of Honeoye and south of Rochester, on the windiest hill ever!

I am going to the Rochester show on Sunday and trying to be hopeful that our bunnies will be there.

I also sent out a ton of emails to breeders out of state...

But yes, if you see any Checkered Giants, please let me know where I can find them - I am so ready for my new buns!:D


I'm jealous! They do have alot of nice shows on the central/western parts of NY, we were at state convention but that was a whole weekend trip, my hooved kids weren't happy. Good luck at the show! I'm sure you'l tell us if you find one of your babies there. Our show season doesn't get into swing until April.
Hooved critters? I have some of those, too - 2 rescued, spayed potbelly pigs and six horses (3 American Miniatures, 1 Modern American Shetland and two Morgans). They do make longer weekend trips a challenge...:biggrin2::biggrin2:

Hopefully I can report on a new bun myself... will keep everyone posted.


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