ms. bunnypennys pet human
New Member
think ive been adopted by a rabbit. ive never been really big on pets ive had a few over the years mostly dogs a couple of cats and a snake. none of wich are with me any more and not one of them has captured my heart like ms. bunnypenny has. i would never have thought myself a rabbit person or as belonging to any of my previous pets. but i do believe that i am now a rabbits person if that makes any sense. one day out of the blue my wife messaged me and told me we would be pet sitting for some folks that were moving residences who asked her if she was able to house their bunny for about two weeks give or take so they could find a new place and get moved in. that was almost nine months or so ago at least maybe a bit longer im not the best at keeping track of important dates... lol the previous owners have not so much as made a single phone call or any other form of communication asking for her back or even inquiring as to her well being. from the moment i met ms bunnypenny i was instantly drawn to her like she had been a part of me that id been missing my entire life and not even known that i was deprived of her. she was brought to us with only a hutch. and a litter box that was only such in name not in functionality or practicality. and a towel. ive watched every video i can find about these unique beautiul creatures trying to crash course myself in the dos and donts of rabbit care and maintenance. i believe that she is as taken with me as i am with her and just as quickly. she has free run of most of our place only seperated from the kitchen and third of the living room containing the portal to the outside. she follows me circles me licks me and depending on what mood shes in lightly nibbles at my body hair nudging me with her head or out right bites at my ankles when she feels like its past her meal time or my hand when i stop petting and loving on her. she posts up in my bedroom door way sleepnig or guarding me im not sure lol. she follows me around when i move arround or lounges or plays around where ever i stop at for any length of time. she goes nuts when i come in from work and ive been told she starts acting up before ive even entered the apartment. im not sure if she hears me or smells me or is just better at timing paterns than i am lol.i dont think the timing thing is it though because i rarely get off work at the same time on any
given night. im not sure if im just imagining that she has claimed me or what. just that she only does this to me. she was very skittish when she first moved in with us but has mostly relaxaed unless she thinks u or some one is trying to pick her up. she will not as of yet get in my lap or any one elses but will lay right next to me and let me love on her until she trans forms into a puddle of bunny. and she is not in any form shy.

when she wants my attention she makes it very evident and also when im on her bad human list at which time im very deliberately presented with her back and occasional disaproving over the shoulder glance. such a personality she has.i love her with all my heart and am at any givin time more likely to be thinking of her than anything else. i worry more about her than any other member of my family or household. is this normal? or am i some kind of freak?
given night. im not sure if im just imagining that she has claimed me or what. just that she only does this to me. she was very skittish when she first moved in with us but has mostly relaxaed unless she thinks u or some one is trying to pick her up. she will not as of yet get in my lap or any one elses but will lay right next to me and let me love on her until she trans forms into a puddle of bunny. and she is not in any form shy.