Greetings all, new bunny caretaker here to learn.

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May 8, 2007
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Hello everybody, my name is Julianna. I live inCalifornia, USA. Ive always wanted to have a bunny of any sort, butknew had I asked for one I'd have been turned down by my parents, eventhough I'm 19! and pay for all expenses for my dogs and horse as itis... As fate would have it an aunt of mine was handed a pair oforphaned bunnies at the prison she works as a nurse in. She gave afriend of hers the other bunny, and brought the one she had home to me,I immediately came online to find out what I should do in rearing thisbunny. I am here to learn more about bunnies of all kinds, and how tobetter care for them. (also to make good friends too :) ) I recentlyfound out due to photo comparison that my bunny is probably a babycottontail, this is somewhat disapointing as I have read they dont makegood pets and should be released when bunny doesnt act wildin the least, it rattles its pen when Im in bed and its not with me, Ithink its even trying to groom me, keeps licking me. There are MANYstray cats in the neighborhood so I fear for releasing it, but I dontwant to make my bunny unhappy in the long run.
Hey there :)

Welcome to the forum.

Rearing a bunny can be really hard to do, so try to focus on today :) and not look too far ahead.

It sounds like you are doing a brilliant job for the bun :)

If you have to release it, maybe then you might be able to get adomestic bunny as you will have shown your parents that you can copeand have learnt how to look after one.

Hopefully you will find the forum useful to you.

Take care of yourself

I think we have got the hardest part past us,eyes have been open for several days now, sucks up KMR like nobodiesbusiness, often eating a tablespoon or more at a sitting, and its quiterambunctious...Even doesnt mind me petting, and has never minded mepicking it up...obviously associating feedings! What would be a goodage to wean from the KMR? it is already eating clover leaves andgrasses when its between meals. I plan on bringing home some alfalfafrom the barn to help with the weaning bigtime.
Welcome to RO! :wave:

Good job in rearing this little one! I'm afraid I can't help you as Iknow nothing about raising wild baby rabbits, the best place to askabout that would be in The Rabbitry section of the forum.

Good luck!

~Michaela and the girls~ :bunny16:bunny16:bunny16

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