This weekend I brought a young female bunny homewho was scheduled for a spay on Mon. She was only a little over 2 lbs.and between 2-3 months old. After looking her over I became sort ofconcerned about a spay when she was so young. On Mon. I brought up tothe vet that she was so small and young...his response was "its easierto do them when they are older". I seized the moment and said that Icould go to the shelter and get an older one which I did. Today I wasaccused at the shelter of "talking the vet out of a spay" so Linda (anapplicant couldn't get her). Linda would have had to pay theregular amt for a spay if it was done later. I am so deeply insultedthat I am considering giving up the shelter. My mind was totally on thebunny and its health and not at all on who had to pay what. The otherbunny lady who is ignorant (uses cat litter for her rabbits and neverreads a thing) is responsuble for this. We are schedueled for a meetingon Mon and if that B**** doesn't apologize to me I am quitting theshelter as after all this time they should know that I am onlyconcerned about the animals. I feel so betrayed