Greatly offended by my shelter

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Nov 30, 2005
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This weekend I brought a young female bunny homewho was scheduled for a spay on Mon. She was only a little over 2 lbs.and between 2-3 months old. After looking her over I became sort ofconcerned about a spay when she was so young. On Mon. I brought up tothe vet that she was so small and young...his response was "its easierto do them when they are older". I seized the moment and said that Icould go to the shelter and get an older one which I did. Today I wasaccused at the shelter of "talking the vet out of a spay" so Linda (anapplicant couldn't get her). Linda would have had to pay theregular amt for a spay if it was done later. I am so deeply insultedthat I am considering giving up the shelter. My mind was totally on thebunny and its health and not at all on who had to pay what. The otherbunny lady who is ignorant (uses cat litter for her rabbits and neverreads a thing) is responsuble for this. We are schedueled for a meetingon Mon and if that B**** doesn't apologize to me I am quitting theshelter as after all this time they should know that I am onlyconcerned about the animals. I feel so betrayed
Im so sorry your having these troubles! Aftereverything you do for those rabbits, they should be thanking God thatthey have you. You are a saint and you look out for those rabbits as ifthey were your own.

I think you just need to calmly explain that you were only looking outfor the well-being of the bunny, and that based on what you saw (herweight and age) in your opinion it would have been dangerous to performsurgery. I really hope you can get things worked out. If you quit, itsunfortunately the bunnies that suffer without your loving care. But Iknow you cant let these people disrespect you.

I hope things work out :?
I'm sorry that you are going through such a tough time :(

However, could you please check the language? Some might find the thread title somewhat offensive (I did).

This is a family forum with many children and we need to set a good example.

Haley wrote:
Imso sorry your having these troubles! After everything you do for thoserabbits, they should be thanking God that they have you. You are asaint and you look out for those rabbits as if they were your own.

I think you just need to calmly explain that you were only looking outfor the well-being of the bunny, and that based on what you saw (herweight and age) in your opinion it would have been dangerous to performsurgery. I really hope you can get things worked out. If you quit, itsunfortunately the bunnies that suffer without your loving care. But Iknow you cant let these people disrespect you.

I hope things work out :?


PS: changed the title a bit, it was all I could think of, PM me with any other suggestions.
Sorry Pam about the language; hope this improvesthings. There is a woman employee at my shelter who greatly resents myknowledge. I have attempted to placate her by being as subordinate aspossible but she has an axe to grind withme and is attemptingto drive itin as far as possible. by making upinfoI have providedon our rabbits. I have no agenda other thanthe welfare of the rabbits where shehas a power struggle withme (one who has no power)I am very upset
How Frusterating!

I can relate to how you are feeling. Isn't it wierd that at the shelterwhere I worked at, I had the same situation. Not only did this womanknow nothing about rabbits, ferrets or hamsters --- but she wasclueless about dogs and cats as well! ARG. The reason why I have alotof knowledge in some areas is because like every other animal lover isbecause I read and research about the care of these animals. Also, myfamily is basically made up of vets, so I have been around animals mywhole life.

She is obviously intimmidated at your knowledge of these animals, orthinks that she does know more then you. It was only after the factthat when people started to come to me and ask me questions did thiswoman stop being a pain in the ass. You could always try to talk toher, but she may not be willing to listen.

Good luck!
I know what you mean about just trying to help, and getting treated badly despite it.

People can be so cruel...they really don't need to treat others likethat, and unfortunately some people just never seem to have learnedthat.

I hope you are able to resolve things with her, and maybe just be ableto try to avoid her in the future. She should know you arethere for the bunnies, and are looking out for them, however if she'sgoing so far as to use cat litter for her own, she might be projectingher own ways that she lacks onto you...which is never good.

Keep us updated...I hope you're able to continue all the hard workyou've put in there...I know the little buns appreciate it! :)

But, like I said, I can certainly relate. All I do, prettymuch, is try to help others...and I'm just shocked by the amount oftimes I'm very rudely refused and mistreated because of it.There are times that I wonder if ANYONE wants help, but I just remindmyself that, in the end, even if THEY don't appreciate the help, I knowthat I can sleep at night in having done all I can. :)

I hope things work out...:) We love you here, and have a HUGEamount of respect and appreciation for all you do! :)

Much Love and Hugs,

Thanks Rosie...I am printing out a bunch ofarticles stating that it is not heathy to spay a bunny young but I willmost likely be told to "never question the vet". No one knows anythingabout rabbits there except me and although that sounds grandiose it istrue. All of us rabbit owners know that we HAVE to question the vet. Idon't know if I can work there anymore although I would be leaving awhole room full of animals that really get excellent care because ofme. The room is so full now (rabbits,guinea pigs and rats) that I am soexhausted when I come home that I can barely take care of my ownanimals. I really need a break.....anyway I don't need a bunch ofaccusations when I am a volunteer who continually tries to learn moreand more about rabbits and has the animals best interests at heart.Hopefully by Mon. I will feel better and conduct myself well at themeeting, not get too angry at the witch that is trying to get me introuble.
I guess it's because us bunny lovers are so emotional. :biggrin:

You'd think with all those bundles of fur around to pet,theywould be a calming influence. But maybe to feelthis much love for small creatures probably means we feel things at theother end of the scale as well?

Somebody just has to smile and say, 'Hey, chill.':whatever

Remember the honey vs. vinegar theory and do your best to do what'srightwith a little compromising and a lot ofsuckingup to get a greater compromise in return.

And don'tlet it upset you, it will sapenergy that is best devoted elsewhere.

Hehe...I just wrote a whole nice response, and when the threads got merged, I lost it! Aaagh! Lol...

Anyway, I'll try to rewrite my thoughts.

I think your decision to not work there any longer is completelyhonorable. It's not worth the stress if you feel that yourown family (buns and/or humans) isn't getting the attention from youthat they deserve. I've been in that situation so many times,stretched myself too thin to give enough to everybody that needsit. Yes, shelters need the help, but family takes priorityover that...and it's not worth doing if your own family suffers due tolack of energy or time...especially if you're then experiencing stressin taking the time to help out there in the form of not-so-nicepeople. :)

So, bottom line, either way you go with this...I'm with ya!You have my full support and admiration whichever way you go.And I'm sure the others agree...:)

We're your family...and we love ya no matter what! :)

Keep us updated on how you're doing, okay?

Love and hugs!!


P.S. I've had to make this decision many times, and receivedall sorts of responses and opinions each time for whichever decision do what you see you need to do and don't worry about others'opinions and responses. Go by what you see is right forYOU...and it is the right thing to do, PERIOD. :)

You will never believe what I discoveredtoday..I was looking at the surrender sheet (at home)which wetake with the bunny when it is altered. I kept the one on the littlefemale..stuck it in my pocket as she has not been done. I had read theoriginal surrender sheet info in late Oct. when the bunny came in. Theowner said she was between 2-3 months old. Some one at the shelter (mynemesis I think) crossed out 2-3 months and wrote in 4-5 monthsold...probably to push the spay through. In other words she tamperedwith a shelter document. I have to run this by someone elsebut if she did this she is in big trouble and any issues with me willfall by the wayside. In terms of me being over worked there it is true,however since I have not done anything their since last Tues. I imaginethat some of the animals do not have water or hay at this very moment.My dilemna is that if I don't continue threr on some level the animalswill not be cared for and I couldn't live with is adileman. If there was even one person who really loved them and caredfor them well I would cut back big time but for some reason all thevolunteers want to do is either play with cats or walk dogs. I startedcleaning the small animal room 3 times per week omly because no one didit hay no water etc. etc. Lissa was with me for awhilewhich was great but since she had her baby she is no longer able to dothings like shelter work.
Oh wow, angieluv...I can't believe she would putthe bun's life in detriment like that! Howhorrible! Keep us updated as to what happens when you informthose that need informing about that, ok?

If she were to leave, it would be easier for you to donate your timethere, right? I hope things improve, and's notworth constantly having someone treat others like that.


the meeting was tonight and I was greatlysurprised....everyone above me altered everything that hadbeen said against me. They covered up for the one who changedthe age, didn't accuse me of anything other than misunderstandingwhat was said about me. They planned the meeting ahead and Iwas " Brainwashed" by the opposotion with kindess.I don't have a cluewhat is going on other than they want me to stay and are lying in orderto do it. If it was not for the small animals I would leave but as ofnow I probably won't although my trust level for administration is 0
Oh wow...what a result...I didn't expect that. Are you okay?

I know what you mean about coming out of a meeting not understandingwhat or how things took place...been there, believe me!That's so frustrating, because then you feel like you CAN'T sayanything because you didn't from the get-go. Argh...I wish Icould help more than just sympathizing. :(

Are you in the US? East or West coast? Just wannaget some idea of your location so I know if I can help somehow ifyou're close. :)

I hope things turn out okay...
Well I talked to the woman last night on thephone who I thought was responsible for trying to get me into troubleat the shelter. She really wants to create "peace " betweenus so I will accept that. She introduced several other tidbits of infoto this soap-opera that implicate several people who I never thoughtwould be involved in it. I can honestly say that I have no clue what isgoing on there...I feel that I have been there so long that even thou Iam a volunteer that I am being sucked into the the dirtygossipy stuff of a workplace. I can absolutely not trust any of thesepeople as everyone has said a different thing,all contradicting eachother and I plan to go back with my mouth zipped as it seem that I haveenemies that I wasn't even aware of and friends that are reallyback-stabbing me. What I was worried about actually did occur lastweekend. I had placed a sign on the small animal roomdoorstating that I was going to be gone for a while and from LastFri. to Mon. morning no one took care of the small animals. The head ofthe animal care-givers came in and apparently read an e-mail I sentexpressing concern that the room would be overlooked because of myabsence, checked the room and found nothing done. She had a meetingwith the staff and they all gotreprimanded for notreading my note. Now you can see the pressure that is on me to remainthere. Anyway I will go back on Saturday and do my work and try to keepaway from most everyone for is actually true that Icould have been in great trouble for questioning the vet about the agefor the spay because the vets donate a lot of time and theshelter is not allowed to question them (????????????) Thisis considered so serious that probably if I did it again that I wouldbe asked not to return. If there are any questions we are supposed toaddress them while the animal is still at the shelter. This place isreally staring to stress me out big time. Anyway I hope that everyoneis enjoying Thanksgiving as this basically ruined mine and I am now avegetarian and don't eat turkey anyway

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